[foreign-jextract] Generated getters and setters do not include offsets
Filip Krakowski
krakowski at hhu.de
Wed Sep 2 10:30:13 UTC 2020
Hi Jorn,
I just gave it a try and it looks good.
Now unfortunately I have another bug. A source file (in my case
"constants$3") is referencing a private field in another source file
("constants$2"). It looks like the VarHandles for the struct got split
in two different source files. I am using the same header file
as before.
private static final MemoryLayout
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_ =MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT() {return ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_; }
private static final MemoryLayout
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT() {return ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT_; }
private static final VarHandle ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH_ =ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class,MemoryLayout.PathElement.groupElement("mw_handle"));
public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH() {return ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH_; }
private static final MemoryLayout ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT() {return ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT_; }
private static final VarHandle ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH_ =ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class,MemoryLayout.PathElement.groupElement("rkey"));
public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH() {return ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH_; }
Since "ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_" is private within
"constants$2" the code does not compile.
Best regards,
On 01.09.20 15:08, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Hi Filip,
> This issue should now be fixed [1], can you give it a try?
> Thanks,
> Jorn
> [1] : https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign/commit/afdbc657
> On 31/08/2020 12:35, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I just noticed that jextract's generated getters and setters always
>> access the provided MemorySegment at offset 0. This looks like a bug
>> to me.
>> This is the struct I used to reproduce this issue.
>> struct coordinate {
>> int x;
>> int y;
>> };
>> And this is the code jextract generated from it (source mode).
>> private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$struct$LAYOUT_
>> =MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
>> C_INT.withName("x"),
>> C_INT.withName("y")
>> ).withName("coordinate");
>> public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>> coordinate$struct$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$struct$LAYOUT_; }
>> private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$x$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>> public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>> coordinate$x$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$x$LAYOUT_; }
>> private static final VarHandle coordinate$x$VH_
>> =coordinate$x$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class);
>> public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle coordinate$x$VH() {return
>> coordinate$x$VH_; }
>> private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$y$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>> public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>> coordinate$y$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$y$LAYOUT_; }
>> private static final VarHandle coordinate$y$VH_
>> =coordinate$y$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class);
>> public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle coordinate$y$VH() {return
>> coordinate$y$VH_; }
>> Here I allocate the struct, set both fields and print them afterwards.
>> try (var segment =coordinate.allocate()) {
>> coordinate.x$set(segment,1);
>> coordinate.y$set(segment,2);
>> System.out.println(coordinate.x$get(segment));
>> System.out.println(coordinate.y$get(segment));
>> }
>> This will print "2" twice, although "x" should be set to "1" in my
>> understanding.
>> I am using the latest build (commit
>> 4d7888c040767760b6250130ef6024ea16b43461).
>> Best regards,
>> Filip
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