[foreign-jextract] Generated MemoryLayout contains padding instead of fields

Jorn Vernee jorn.vernee at oracle.com
Thu Sep 3 13:17:42 UTC 2020

Hi Filip,

I've fixed the issue, please give it a try.


On 03/09/2020 12:48, Jorn Vernee wrote:
> Hi,
> The issue with clang was fixed in LLVM 9, which we already use, so we 
> can update jextract to handle incomplete arrays now.
> I've filed: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8252756
> Jorn
> On 02/09/2020 22:07, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> Hi Filip,
>> I'm afraid this might be an issue we know about - and is ultimately 
>> caused by clang - e.g. libclang will, if the struct contains an 
>> unspecified-size array, refuse to give information about _other 
>> fields_ in that struct. To avoid completely omitting generation of 
>> the struct, we have a workaround which just emits a struct with some 
>> padding (enough to fit the struct size) - but it seems the workaround 
>> is then causing further issues, as jextract will still try to 
>> generate struct getters and setters even if no field is really there 
>> (which I suspect is a problem, again, only in source generation mode).
>> Thanks
>> Maurizio
>> On 02/09/2020 21:01, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> my last encountered bug seems to be fixed with 
>>> https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/commit/1dc9149d 
>>> ("constants are made package static final instead of private static 
>>> final"). The code compiles now but throws an Exception during runtime.
>>>    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bad layout path: cannot resolve
>>>    'cmsg_len' in layout [x128]
>>> I searched for the field and found that the associated MemoryLayout 
>>> for "cmsghdr" only consists of padding in the generated code.
>>>    static final MemoryLayout cmsghdr$struct$LAYOUT_ =
>>>    MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
>>>       MemoryLayout.ofPaddingBits(128)
>>>    );
>>>    public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>    cmsghdr$struct$LAYOUT() { return cmsghdr$struct$LAYOUT_; }
>>>    static final MemoryLayout cmsghdr$cmsg_len$LAYOUT_ = C_LONG;
>>>    public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>    cmsghdr$cmsg_len$LAYOUT() { return cmsghdr$cmsg_len$LAYOUT_; }
>>>    static final VarHandle cmsghdr$cmsg_len$VH_ =
>>>    cmsghdr$struct$LAYOUT_.varHandle(long.class,
>>>    MemoryLayout.PathElement.groupElement("cmsg_len"));
>>>    public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle cmsghdr$cmsg_len$VH() {
>>>    return cmsghdr$cmsg_len$VH_; }
>>>    ...
>>> According to https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/cmsg.3.html the 
>>> "cmsghdr" struct looks like this.
>>>    struct cmsghdr {
>>>       size_t cmsg_len;    /* Data byte count, including header
>>>                                           (type is socklen_t in 
>>> POSIX) */
>>>       int    cmsg_level;  /* Originating protocol */
>>>       int    cmsg_type;   /* Protocol-specific type */
>>>       /* followed by
>>>       unsigned char cmsg_data[]; */
>>>    };
>>> Best regards,
>>> Filip
>>> Email Signature
>>> On 02.09.20 12:30, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>> Hi Jorn,
>>>> I just gave it a try and it looks good.
>>>> Now unfortunately I have another bug. A source file (in my case 
>>>> "constants$3") is referencing a private field in another source 
>>>> file ("constants$2"). It looks like the VarHandles for the struct 
>>>> got split in two different source files. I am using the same header 
>>>> file 
>>>> (https://github.com/linux-rdma/rdma-core/blob/master/libibverbs/verbs.h) 
>>>> as before.
>>>> constants$2.java
>>>>     private static final MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_ =MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
>>>>          C_INT.withName("mw_handle"),
>>>>          C_INT.withName("rkey"),
>>>> MemoryLayout.ofSequence(0,C_LONG).withName("driver_data")
>>>>     ).withName("ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp");
>>>>     public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT() {return 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>     private static final MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>>>>     public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT() {return 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>     private static final VarHandle 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH_ 
>>>> =ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class,MemoryLayout.PathElement.groupElement("mw_handle"));
>>>>     public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH() {return 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$mw_handle$VH_; }
>>>> constants$3.java
>>>>     private static final MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>>>>     public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT() {return 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>     private static final VarHandle ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH_ 
>>>> =ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class,MemoryLayout.PathElement.groupElement("rkey"));
>>>>     public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle
>>>>     ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH() {return 
>>>> ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$rkey$VH_; }
>>>> Since "ib_uverbs_alloc_mw_resp$struct$LAYOUT_" is private within 
>>>> "constants$2" the code does not compile.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Filip
>>>> On 01.09.20 15:08, Jorn Vernee wrote:
>>>>> Hi Filip,
>>>>> This issue should now be fixed [1], can you give it a try?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Jorn
>>>>> [1] : https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign/commit/afdbc657
>>>>> On 31/08/2020 12:35, Filip Krakowski wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I just noticed that jextract's generated getters and setters 
>>>>>> always access the provided MemorySegment at offset 0. This looks 
>>>>>> like a bug to me.
>>>>>> This is the struct I used to reproduce this issue.
>>>>>>    struct coordinate {
>>>>>>       int x;
>>>>>>       int y;
>>>>>>    };
>>>>>> And this is the code jextract generated from it (source mode).
>>>>>>    private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$struct$LAYOUT_ 
>>>>>> =MemoryLayout.ofStruct(
>>>>>>         C_INT.withName("x"),
>>>>>>         C_INT.withName("y")
>>>>>>    ).withName("coordinate");
>>>>>>    public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout
>>>>>>    coordinate$struct$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$struct$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>>>    private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$x$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>>>>>>    public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout 
>>>>>> coordinate$x$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$x$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>>>    private static final VarHandle coordinate$x$VH_ 
>>>>>> =coordinate$x$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class);
>>>>>>    public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle coordinate$x$VH() 
>>>>>> {return coordinate$x$VH_; }
>>>>>>    private static final MemoryLayout coordinate$y$LAYOUT_ =C_INT;
>>>>>>    public static jdk.incubator.foreign.MemoryLayout 
>>>>>> coordinate$y$LAYOUT() {return coordinate$y$LAYOUT_; }
>>>>>>    private static final VarHandle coordinate$y$VH_ 
>>>>>> =coordinate$y$LAYOUT_.varHandle(int.class);
>>>>>>    public static java.lang.invoke.VarHandle coordinate$y$VH() 
>>>>>> {return coordinate$y$VH_; }
>>>>>> Here I allocate the struct, set both fields and print them 
>>>>>> afterwards.
>>>>>>    try (var segment =coordinate.allocate()) {
>>>>>>         coordinate.x$set(segment,1);
>>>>>>         coordinate.y$set(segment,2);
>>>>>>         System.out.println(coordinate.x$get(segment));
>>>>>>         System.out.println(coordinate.y$get(segment));
>>>>>>    }
>>>>>> This will print "2" twice, although "x" should be set to "1" in 
>>>>>> my understanding.
>>>>>> I am using the latest build (commit 
>>>>>> 4d7888c040767760b6250130ef6024ea16b43461).
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Filip

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