Error Running jextract on d3d12.h

Ty Young youngty1997 at
Tue Sep 15 18:57:51 UTC 2020

On 9/15/20 12:35 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> After throwing the kitchen sink at your example (I set up Windows on a 
> virtual instance to play with it), I was able to reproduce the issue.
> I discussed this with Jorn offline and Jorn pointed out at an issue 
> that I should have spotted much earlier (thanks!) - the issue is that 
> when looking at API docs like:
> This is actually the description of the C++ API.
> The C API almost always takes some extra parameter - in the case of 
> this function, the first parameter must be a device pointer.

Which is where the first pointer argument came from when I suggested the 
FunctionDescriptor/MethodType to use. The C style interface copied in a 
previous email had:

             IDXGIFactory * This,
             /* [in] */ UINT Adapter,
             /* [annotation][out] */
             _COM_Outptr_   IDXGIAdapter **ppAdapter);

I missed the return enum by accident, my bad.

FYI, the C style interface are not officially supported and have supposedly been removed from Windows 10's SDK somewhat recently:

Of course it doesn't mean it won't work or isn't worth doing, just pointing out that C isn't the intended language.

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