BUG: withOwnerThread closes MappedMemorySegment

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Sep 25 09:58:31 UTC 2020

One idea - we have recently turned on the method handle intrinsics - try 
running with these parameters:


And see if the crash still happens.


On 25/09/2020 01:46, Ty Young wrote:
> On 9/24/20 4:56 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> On 24/09/2020 04:01, Ty Young wrote:
>>>> There are two main issues with "just mutating the existining 
>>>> segments":
>>>> 1) First and foremost, C2 likes constants. So, if the thread is 
>>>> constant on the segment we pay nothing for the ownership (or lack 
>>>> of ownership) check.
>>>> 2) Second, you can't just "flip" a switch on a shared data 
>>>> structure, and expect the update to be seen by the rest of the 
>>>> world (in a multi-thread scenario). On the other hand, publishing a 
>>>> "new" object has more guarantees on who can do what with that new 
>>>> object (meaning it's physically not possible for other threads to 
>>>> start writing on the new segment before it has been returned by the 
>>>> API)
>>>> Note that the original segment is killed (meaning its isAlive 
>>>> returns false) but the new segment still points at the same mappped 
>>>> memory region. So if you want a shared memory segment, you just 
>>>> have to do:
>>>> MappedMemorySegment nativeFile = 
>>>> MemorySegment.mapFromPath(file.toPath(), 0, 4096, 
>>>> FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE)
>>>> .withOwnerThread(null);
>>> Yeah, figured that'd work. I had to add an if-else to check if a 
>>> segment is already unbound, which got me past that error, although 
>>> my projects still aren't running because of a StackOverflow and 
>>> "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 
>>> java.lang.StackTraceElement$HashedModules" error related to 
>>> MethodHandles that are being added to struct layouts. Not 100% sure 
>>> what's going on there...
>> That looks odd - if you could send the entire stack trace we could 
>> perhaps quickly glance if it's coming from our API, or your code.
> Yeah, it was my code, sorry. My application at least runs now... for 
> maybe about 6-8 minutes... until it crashes.
> Multiple crashes look like this:
> Current thread (0x00007f17e41a4f30):  JavaThread "pool-2-thread-2" 
> [_thread_in_native_trans, id=2961304, 
> stack(0x00007f17d09a5000,0x00007f17d0aa6000)]
> Stack: [0x00007f17d09a5000,0x00007f17d0aa6000], 
> sp=0x00007f17d0aa47b8,  free space=1021k
> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, 
> j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
> J 9169 c2 
> java.lang.invoke.LambdaForm$MH+0x0000000800eb2040.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)I 
> java.base at 16-internal (89 bytes) @ 0x00007f185c85867a 
> [0x00007f185c858620+0x000000000000005a]
> [error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 
> 0xb, SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f1871cc7075]
> Although a small percentage look like:
> Current thread (0x00007f300c0c1220):  JavaThread "pool-2-thread-9" 
> [_thread_in_native_trans, id=3014594, 
> stack(0x00007f3001f48000,0x00007f3002049000)]
> Stack: [0x00007f3001f48000,0x00007f3002049000], 
> sp=0x00007f3002047798,  free space=1021k
> Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, A=aot compiled Java code, 
> j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
> J 2028 c2 
> jdk.incubator.foreign.ValueLayout.attribute(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/Optional; 
> jdk.incubator.foreign at 16-internal (6 bytes) @ 0x00007f30984f1872 
> [0x00007f30984f1400+0x0000000000000472]
> [error occurred during error reporting (printing native stack), id 
> 0xb, SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00007f30afa54075]
> Errors always seem to be in relation to compilation events:
> Compiled method (c1)  357892 5293  s!   3 
> org.goliath.envious.nvml.local.attributes.performance.limiters.NVMLGPUPerformanceLimitSoftwareThermalSlowdownAttribute::update 
> (63 bytes)
> Is there any JVM or panama debug arguments I can use to find the issue?
>> Cheers
>> Maurizio
>>>> E.g. use chaining to get to the segment you want to construct.
>>>> As for the interaction with asSlice() - a slice is not a true 
>>>> standalone segment - is just another view of the existing segment 
>>>> with different bounds - in fact closing the slice also closes the 
>>>> parent segments. So, calling withOwnerThread will also kill all 
>>>> associated slices (or, calling withCleanupAction will attach the 
>>>> cleanup action to all the segments which share the same temporal 
>>>> bound).
>>>> There is, currently, no way to create a segment, and then slice it 
>>>> so that you can N segments each owned by a different thread, if 
>>>> that's what you are looking for. We looked into that and it's way 
>>>> too messy (not only you have to worry about how to "split" the 
>>>> segment, but also about how you merge it back - and that's the hard 
>>>> part). So, if you are not ok with confinement, create a shared 
>>>> segment and work with it (e.g. like it was a ByteBuffer or a Java 
>>>> array). It is up to you then to make sure that multiple threads 
>>>> operate on the segment in a way that makes sense (either by 
>>>> assigning disjoint slices to different threads, e.g. using a 
>>>> spliterator, which the API supports), or by using some 
>>>> synchronization.
>>> Figured I'd have to do manual synchronization.
>>>> Maurizio
>>>> On 23/09/2020 07:47, sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>> Can you access source?
>>>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign/blob/foreign-jextract/src/jdk.incubator.foreign/share/classes/jdk/incubator/foreign/MemorySegment.java__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!OlbtDRpO3iKUiqjySSQELP4SjIC_dCXbKMZ344YiK9XD92Rg8n6jxzYxOkrj_IvkZ8Tlf78$ 
>>>>> Yes, afaik it is implementation technical reason. (Maurizio will 
>>>>> clarify). That said, it should be possible to map different file 
>>>>> segments to *different* memory segments with different owners, 
>>>>> right? What's the advantage of mapping the whole & slice to own 
>>>>> parts by different threads?
>>>>> -Sundar
>>>>> On 23/09/20 11:02 am, Ty Young wrote:
>>>>>> Javadoc isn't working for withOwnerThread or withCleanupAction 
>>>>>> for me on Netbeans:
>>>>>> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://imgur.com/a/Q21pZAC__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!OlbtDRpO3iKUiqjySSQELP4SjIC_dCXbKMZ344YiK9XD92Rg8n6jxzYxOkrj_IvkrrLx8VA$ 
>>>>>> Says it's downloading HTTP Javadoc for about 10 seconds then 
>>>>>> gives up. Javadoc of other older methods work just fine and I 
>>>>>> didn't think it'd close the segment as other 
>>>>>> withers(withAccessModes) do not.
>>>>>> So I wasn't able to read it, my bad.
>>>>>> Question: is this an absolute requirement because of technical 
>>>>>> restrains? Could this be removed so that, for example, it is 
>>>>>> possible to make an array segment unbound but have individual 
>>>>>> array index segments be bound to a specific thread?
>>>>>> On 9/23/20 12:00 AM, sundararajan.athijegannathan at oracle.com wrote:
>>>>>>> javadoc of MemorySegment.withOwnerThread starts as follows:
>>>>>>> "    * Obtains a new memory segment backed by the same 
>>>>>>> underlying memory region as this segment,
>>>>>>>      * but with different owner thread. As a side-effect, this 
>>>>>>> segment will be marked as <em>not alive</em>,
>>>>>>>      * and subsequent operations on this segment will result in 
>>>>>>> runtime errors.
>>>>>>> "
>>>>>>> So the behavior seen is as the specification.
>>>>>>> -Sundar
>>>>>>> On 23/09/20 7:36 am, Ty Young wrote:
>>>>>>>> A bug seems to have been introduced wherein using 
>>>>>>>> withOwnerThread causes a MappedMemorySegment to close:
>>>>>>>>     File file = new File("./test");
>>>>>>>>         if(file.exists())
>>>>>>>>             file.delete();
>>>>>>>>         file.createNewFile();
>>>>>>>>         MappedMemorySegment nativeFile = 
>>>>>>>> MemorySegment.mapFromPath(file.toPath(), 0, 4096, 
>>>>>>>> FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE);
>>>>>>>>         System.out.println(nativeFile.isAlive());
>>>>>>>>         MappedMemorySegment segment = 
>>>>>>>> (MappedMemorySegment)nativeFile.asSlice(4);
>>>>>>>>         segment = (MappedMemorySegment)nativeFile.asSlice(4);
>>>>>>>>         segment = 
>>>>>>>> (MappedMemorySegment)nativeFile.asSlice(4).withOwnerThread(null);
>>>>>>>>         System.out.println(nativeFile.isAlive());
>>>>>>>>         System.out.println(segment.isAlive());
>>>>>>>> which prints true, false, and then true. The original 
>>>>>>>> MappedMemorySegment was never closed, so this is unexpected.

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