Fix example in javadoc for LibraryLookup

Paul Sandoz paul.sandoz at
Tue Aug 17 17:25:45 UTC 2021

Hi Andrew,

Appreciate you reaching out and finding a documentation issue. 

IMHO in this case I don’t think it worth expending effort updating for a JDK 16u release [*]:

- as you noted that area of this (incubating) API has changed, quite significantly.

- JDK 17 will be released soon (2021/09/14) and we can refocus developers to JDK 17 for feedback (rather than a JDK 16u update).

My recommendation would be to withdraw the PR. I would encourage you to give feedback on JDK 17 (or even directly on the Panama foreign code base) from which, if actionable, can be applied to a future major JDK release.


[*] there are of course exceptions e.g. based on severity and unintentional bad interactions with non-incubating areas.

> On Aug 17, 2021, at 3:38 AM, Andrew Luo <andrewluotechnologies at> wrote:
> I have a small patch to fix the javadoc for LibraryLookup in JDK 16 (this PR is only for JDK16 since in JDK17 this interface is replaced).
> (Note: I'm already an OpenJDK contributor and have signed an OCA but don't have an author account to be able to create bugs)
> Thanks,
> -Andrew

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