status of VM long loop optimizations - call for action

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Sat Dec 11 22:30:01 UTC 2021

Thanks Rado,
seems like we're in the same ballpark? (which is great, since we're 
removing a lot of complexity from the implementation)

(P.S. it's impressive how much faster your implementation is compared to 
JDK sockets, in the 2nd and 3rd bench).


On 11/12/2021 16:38, Rado Smogura wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just for comparison, run against April commits
> "Before"
> Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score Error Units
> SocketReadJdk.teatRead4k          thrpt    5   939997.688 ± 74877.602  
> ops/s
> SocketReadJdk.testRead16b         thrpt    5  1881053.005 ± 72637.626  
> ops/s
> SocketReadJdk.testRead8bOffset    thrpt    5  1924527.582 ± 38308.317  
> ops/s
> SocketReadPosix.teatRead4k        thrpt    5  1157621.341 ± 
> 106649.696  ops/s
> SocketReadPosix.testRead16b       thrpt    5  3059826.951 ± 
> 232852.053  ops/s
> SocketReadPosix.testRead8bOffset  thrpt    5  2983402.371 ± 
> 269646.104  ops/s
> "Current" - other runs
> Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score Error Units
> Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score Error Units
> SocketReadPosix.teatRead4k        thrpt    5  1163288.078 ± 
> 263855.161  ops/s
> SocketReadPosix.testRead16b       thrpt    5  3118810.213 ± 68389.408  
> ops/s
> SocketReadPosix.testRead8bOffset  thrpt    5  2696627.066 ± 
> 297527.130  ops/s
> I have to point out that this benchmark is not perfect, as it really 
> reads data from the back server, so other noise can apply.
> BR,
> Rado
>> Hi Maurizio,
>> Checked against JExtract branch 2617fbfa3050913d34906f87027b8be8f10e53a9
>> Project: 
>> Benchmark                          Mode  Cnt        Score Error Units
>> SocketReadJdk.teatRead4k          thrpt    5   947424.435 ± 
>> 74922.610  ops/s
>> SocketReadJdk.testRead16b         thrpt    5  1823338.685 ± 
>> 33626.860  ops/s
>> SocketReadJdk.testRead8bOffset    thrpt    5  1817956.804 ± 
>> 25456.785  ops/s
>> SocketReadPosix.teatRead4k        thrpt    5  1205470.257 ± 
>> 548343.499  ops/s
>> SocketReadPosix.testRead16b       thrpt    5  2710119.664 ± 
>> 227053.749  ops/s
>> SocketReadPosix.testRead8bOffset  thrpt    5  2968281.197 ± 
>> 216628.917  ops/s
>> Numbers look amazing - I have to check if it's still does what it's 
>> intended to do (so write some integration test).
>> Kind regards,
>> Rado
>> On 10.12.2021 23:33, Remi Forax wrote:
>>> Hi Ty,
>>> there is a simple trick to be sure to get the best performance.
>>> When you create the VarHandle, call withInvokeExactBehavior [1] on it,
>>> the returned VarHandle will throw an error at runtime instead of 
>>> trying to convert arguments.
>>> Rémi
>>> [1] 
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Ty Young" <youngty1997 at>
>>>> To: "Maurizio Cimadamore" <maurizio.cimadamore at>, 
>>>> "panama-dev at'" <panama-dev at>
>>>> Sent: Friday, December 10, 2021 11:18:45 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: status of VM long loop optimizations - call for action
>>>> Yeah, I forgot that. Apologies.
>>>> On 12/10/21 4:06 PM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I don't think the 1ns difference is real - if you look at the 
>>>>> error in
>>>>> the second run is higher than that, so it's in the noise.
>>>>> And, since there's no loop, I don't think this specific kind of
>>>>> benchmark should be affected in any way by the VM improvements. What
>>>>> the VM can help with is to remove bound checks when you keep 
>>>>> accessing
>>>>> a segment in a loop, as C2 is now able to correctly apply an
>>>>> optimization called "bound check elimination" or BCE. This
>>>>> optimization is routinely applied on Java array access, but it 
>>>>> used to
>>>>> fail for memory segments because the bound of a memory segment is
>>>>> stored in a long variable, not an int.
>>>>> That said, note that you are passing inexact arguments to the var
>>>>> handle (e.g. you are passing an int offset instead of a long one; try
>>>>> to use "0L" instead of "0").
>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>> On 10/12/2021 21:34, Ty Young wrote:
>>>>>> A simple write benchmark I had already made for specialized
>>>>>> VarHandles(AKA insertCoordinates) seems to get about 1ns 
>>>>>> consistently
>>>>>> faster, so I guess these changes helped a bit?
>>>>>> Before:
>>>>>> Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt Score Error
>>>>>> Units
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.genericHandleBenchmark    avgt    5 21.155 ±
>>>>>> 0.145  ns/op
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.specFinalHandleBenchmark  avgt    5 0.678 ±
>>>>>> 0.201  ns/op
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.specHandleBenchmark       avgt    5 17.323 ±
>>>>>> 1.324  ns/op
>>>>>> After:
>>>>>> Benchmark                                    Mode  Cnt Score Error
>>>>>> Units
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.genericHandleBenchmark    avgt    5 20.304 ±
>>>>>> 1.466  ns/op
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.specFinalHandleBenchmark  avgt    5 0.652 ±
>>>>>> 0.156  ns/op
>>>>>> VarHandleBenchmark.specHandleBenchmark       avgt    5 17.266 ±
>>>>>> 1.712  ns/op
>>>>>> Benchmark:
>>>>>>      public static final MemorySegment SEGMENT =
>>>>>> MemorySegment.allocateNative(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT,
>>>>>> ResourceScope.newSharedScope());
>>>>>>      public static final VarHandle GENERIC_HANDLE =
>>>>>> MemoryHandles.varHandle(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT);
>>>>>>      public static VarHandle SPEC_HANDLE =
>>>>>> MemoryHandles.insertCoordinates(GENERIC_HANDLE, 0, SEGMENT, 0);
>>>>>>      public static final VarHandle SPEC_HANDLE_FINAL =
>>>>>> MemoryHandles.insertCoordinates(GENERIC_HANDLE, 0, SEGMENT, 0);
>>>>>>      @Benchmark
>>>>>>      @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>>>>>      @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>>>>>      public void genericHandleBenchmark()
>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>          GENERIC_HANDLE.set(SEGMENT, 0, 5);
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      @Benchmark
>>>>>>      @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>>>>>      @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>>>>>      public void specHandleBenchmark()
>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>          SPEC_HANDLE.set(5);
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>>      @Benchmark
>>>>>>      @BenchmarkMode(Mode.AverageTime)
>>>>>>      @OutputTimeUnit(TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)
>>>>>>      public void specFinalHandleBenchmark()
>>>>>>      {
>>>>>>          SPEC_HANDLE_FINAL.set(5);
>>>>>>      }
>>>>>> Sort of off-topic but... I don't remember anyone saying previously
>>>>>> that insertCoordinates would give that big of a difference(or any at
>>>>>> all!) so it's surprising to me. I was expecting a performance
>>>>>> decrease due to the handle no longer being static-final. Can javac
>>>>>> maybe optimize this so that any case where:
>>>>>> GENERIC_HANDLE.set(SEGMENT, 0, 5);
>>>>>> is, an optimized VarHandle is created at compile time that is
>>>>>> equivalent to SPEC_HANDLE and inserted there instead?
>>>>>> On 12/10/21 4:55 AM, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>>>> (resending since mailing lists were down yesterday - I apologize if
>>>>>>> this results in duplicates).
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> few days ago some VM enhancements were integrated [1, 2], so it is
>>>>>>> time to take a look again at where we are.
>>>>>>> I put together a branch which removes all workarounds (both for 
>>>>>>> long
>>>>>>> loops and for alignment checks):
>>>>>>> I also ran memory access benchmarks before/after, to see what the
>>>>>>> difference is like - here's a visual report:
>>>>>>> Overall, I think the numbers are solid. The branch w/o workarounds
>>>>>>> keep up with mainline in basically all cases but one 
>>>>>>> (UnrolledAccess
>>>>>>> - this code pattern needs more work in the VM, but Roland Westrelin
>>>>>>> has identified a possible fix for it). In some cases (parallel
>>>>>>> tests) we see quite a big jump forward.
>>>>>>> I think it's hard to say how these results will translate in real
>>>>>>> world - my gut feeling is that the simpler bound checking logic 
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>> almost invariably result in performance improvements with more
>>>>>>> complex code patterns, despite what synthetic benchmark might say
>>>>>>> (the current logic in mainline is fragile as it has to guard 
>>>>>>> against
>>>>>>> integer overflow, which in turns sometimes kills BCE 
>>>>>>> optimizations).
>>>>>>> So I'd be inclined to integrate these changes in 18.
>>>>>>> If you gave a project that works agaist the Java 18 API, it 
>>>>>>> would be
>>>>>>> very helpful for us if you could try it on the above branch and
>>>>>>> report back. This will help us make a more informed decision.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Maurizio
>>>>>>> [1] -
>>>>>>> [2] -

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