Calling the Port Audio C API via Panama FFI APIs
carl dea
carl.dea at
Wed Dec 22 04:06:32 UTC 2021
Hello friends of JEP 412,
I hope I'm not being too forward, but I would love it if I could get a
second opinion of my *port* of an example from the folks from the PortAudio
C API project using Project Panama's FFI APIs.
I created the project called *portaudio4j* to simply port their first
example called *examples/paex_saw.c*.
*My version:*
*(Their version) Port Audio C API 's beginner example paex_saw.c is here:*
*The Problem (Issue)*
For some reason the C version (*paex_saw.c*) of the example compared to the
Panama example (**) doesn't sound the same. Sometimes it's too
loud as if something isn't cleaning up from the prior run. The only thing
I've changed afaik is the SAMPLE_RATE, because it's so frighteningly loud.
Maybe I'm not properly doing pointer arithmetic. Or something I'm doing
that is overly expensive (operation wise) when accessing a
So, I thought I'd reach out to those who might be able to shed some light
on the issues I'm running into.
*Why did I choose this C library?*
It is a relatively simple and small example that can exercise most aspects
of Panama (downcall, upcall, typedef void variables, handles, pointers,
structs, etc.) Everyone has a speaker and mic, so it would be a nice way to
use the library for all OSes.
Of course if there's a way I can pinpoint the cause, I'd be happy to report
the bug so we can keep an eye on it. Also, it might be a good example to
add to Sundar's examples here:
Thank you, Happy holidays!
*Carl Dea*
Sr. Developer Advocate @Azul Systems
Email: carldea at
Twitter: @carldea <>
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