[foreign-jextract] RFR: Merge foreign-memaccess+abi

J.Duke duke at openjdk.java.net
Fri Jan 15 11:06:21 UTC 2021

Hi all,

this is an _automatically_ generated pull request to notify you that there are 135 commits from the branch `foreign-memaccess+abi`that can **not** be merged into the branch `foreign-jextract`:

The following file contains merge conflicts:

- make/CompileJavaModules.gmk

All Committers in this [project](https://openjdk.java.net/census#panama) have access to my [personal fork](https://github.com/openjdk-bot/panama-foreign) and can therefore help resolve these merge conflicts (you may want to coordinate who should do this).
The following paragraphs will give an example on how to solve these merge conflicts and push the resulting merge commit to this pull request.
The below commands should be run in a local clone of your [personal fork](https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/skara#Skara-Personalforks) of the [openjdk/panama-foreign](https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign) repository.

# Ensure target branch is up to date
$ git checkout foreign-jextract
$ git pull https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign.git foreign-jextract

# Fetch and checkout the branch for this pull request
$ git fetch https://github.com/openjdk-bot/panama-foreign.git +89:openjdk-bot-89
$ git checkout openjdk-bot-89

# Merge the target branch
$ git merge foreign-jextract

When you have resolved the conflicts resulting from the `git merge` command above, run the following commands to create a merge commit:

$ git add paths/to/files/with/conflicts
$ git commit -m 'Merge foreign-memaccess+abi'

When you have created the merge commit, run the following command to push the merge commit to this pull request:

$ git push https://github.com/openjdk-bot/panama-foreign.git openjdk-bot-89:89

_Note_: if you are using SSH to push commits to GitHub, then change the URL in the above `git push` command accordingly.

J. Duke


Commit messages:
 - Automatic merge of master into foreign-memaccess+abi
 - Automatic merge of jdk:master into master
 - 8258884: [TEST_BUG] Convert applet-based test open/test/jdk/javax/swing/JMenuItem/8031573/bug8031573.java to a regular java test
 - 8259627: Potential memory leaks in JVMTI after JDK-8227745
 - 8259622: TreeMap.computeIfAbsent deviates from spec
 - Merge
 - 8253505: JFR: onFlush invoked out of order with a sorted event stream
 - 8255120: C2: assert(outer->outcnt() >= phis + 2 && outer->outcnt() <= phis + 2 + stores + 1) failed: only phis
 - 8252657: JVMTI agent is not unloaded when Agent_OnAttach is failed
 - 8257736: InputStream from BodyPublishers.ofInputStream() leaks when IOE happens
 - ... and 125 more: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/compare/017bf202...e69b59e5

The webrev contains the conflicts with foreign-jextract:
 - merge conflicts: https://webrevs.openjdk.java.net/?repo=panama-foreign&pr=438&range=00.conflicts

Changes: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/438/files
  Stats: 28297 lines in 1075 files changed: 15713 ins; 7635 del; 4949 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/438.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign pull/438/head:pull/438

PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/panama-foreign/pull/438

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