[External] : Re: Feedback / query on jextract for Windows 10

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Jan 27 22:13:16 UTC 2021

On Wed, 2021-01-27 at 17:56 +0000, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> I'll keep investigating to see if this is expected behavior, or if
> there's something that can be improved, either in how we generated
> code, or in the constant dynamic support.

As it turns out, there's not much we can do in this kind of situation.
Basically, we're in a case where we have a deep hierarchy like this:

A1 extends A2 extends A3 ... extends An

(we need to do this so that all symbols will be seen as "members" of
A1, while at the same time not blowing up the classfile limits).

Now, if you call a static method, like A1::m, the VM has still to load
the entire hierarchy A1 ... An. This seems counter-intuitive at first,
after all, we want to call a static method, not an instance one, so
there's no vtable needed. But - VM method resolution is designed to
look into superclasses not just for instance methods, but also for
static ones! There's also the detail that the VM must know the
superclasses in order to correctly layout _static_ fields in the
hierarchy (again, there are no fields in jextract generated hierarchy -
but to discover that you have to walk the hierarchy anyway, so that
info cannot be exploited at load time).

So, when dealing with enormous headers (like Windows.h), filtering is
the way to go. Our approach is already trying its best at being as lazy
as possible (and I've verified that it only creates the layouts and
method handles that are used by the client - so that aspect works) -
but we cannot take away the cost of class loading.

Of course, if jextract bucketed the various symbols in separate files
which you had to manually include, we could reduce the cost associated
to loading - but at a big cost in terms of usability: as a user of a
big library L, how are you expected to know in which header is a given
symbol defined? We have tried breaking up by headers in the past, and
it just doesn't work.

The scheme we have now works very well for all "normal" libraries - it
adds zero-to-very-minimal overhead, and it makes things easy for
clients which do not have to guess where symbols are (just import the
main `foo_h` header file, and everything works). Unfortunately this
means that clients that want to interact with huge, monolithic
libraries, will have to resort to filtering, or maybe define some
headers manually (as you have done) to keep footprint down. I don't
think there's a silver bullet here (*): we can only hope to come up
with something that works well in the 90% of cases, and then offer
workarounds for the remaining 10%.


(*) It occurs to me that most of the symbols required by a client
interacting with a jextracted API are scrutable and foldable symbols:
method handles, var handles, layouts, ... 
This could mean that, at least in principle, in the future it would be
possible for javac to remove calls and dependencies on the jextract
generated binding, and "inline" the var/method handle creation (as it
does for other kind of "constants"). This generalization of constant
folding has been discussed in this JEP:


So, there might be, one day, a solution which will allow javac to
"embed" only the contents from a jextract bindings that are required in
order to execute your application. But it might take a while to get

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