[External] : Is a jextracted jar supposed to be published?

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Thu Jan 28 15:51:47 UTC 2021

On Thu, 2021-01-28 at 14:08 +0000, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> Perhaps I wonder if, by generating classes instead of a jar,
> we might make this clearer than it is currently.

Minor correction - I got confused :-)

The current jextract does NOT have a jar output - precisely not to make
any claim re. distribute-ability.

I acknowledge that there's a wider problem regarding distributing
jextract artifacts - my sense is that most of the issues we have now
could be eventually side-stepped once we can roll-in a 100% "lazy"
source generation strategy (at which point libraries producers can take
the sources and package them in any way they like).

As I said before in this thread, there's unfortunately an asymmetry
between what can be expressed in the source code (in terms of laziness)
and what can be expressed in terms of bytecode - which is why we
provide two options. But I do hope this is a transient state, not the
final one.


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