[vector] Draft PR for JEP 417 support of masking in hardware

Ningsheng Jian ningsheng.jian at arm.com
Tue Oct 12 03:19:01 UTC 2021

Thank you Paul for the work!

I did a diff to vectorIntrinsics branch, and found that two recent 
commits may have been missed:


Otherwise, looks good to me.


On 10/9/21 8:19 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is the draft PR to jdk for support of masking in hardware:
>    https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/pull/5873
> Before I make it ready for review can people please check the contributor list, as I may have missed some contributors.
> I ran relevant tests using our internal testing infrastructure. All tests passed.
> Paul.

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