Will we need to use the --enable-native-access option to enable JNI in the future?

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Sep 21 10:20:10 UTC 2021

I'll zoom in on this issue, because I think it's the one we need to 
understand the most. For the record, I don't despise all code at all - 
but I also think that the position of "must be run with a clean `java 
-jar`, no extra arguments" is (while a good goal) a bit unrealistic. 
Most of the real world Java application I've seen all need to drop in 
some extra command line option (e.g. -Xmx), but I think your problem 
here is more specific than "just add a command line option" - the 
problem is adding an option that is only supported on _some_ JDKs (see 

On 21/09/2021 03:51, Glavo wrote:
> In my original plan, I would convert it into a multi-release jar.
> On the Java platform available to Panama, I will use Panama to call
> the system API. This will allow me to adapt to more platforms (e.g. 
> mips64el).
> Panama's restrictions made me abandon this scheme. Because
> I can't execute it on any version of Java platform with a unified command.

I think this is the real important point here. I'd like to understand 
more about this use case. Do you have an executable AND multi-release 
JAR? Is it an application that you are developing? Do you want that 
application to be just executed using `java -jar foo.jar`? Does your 
application have a launcher to trigger the `java -jar` command?

Please walk me through your use case a bit, and please let's keep the 
conversation focussed - arguing over general safety principles is not 
very helpful, when the real problem is, I suspect, driven by something 
much more concrete.


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