[foreign-memaccess+abi] RFR: 8291639: Improve the ability to visualize a MemorySegment in human readable forms [v8]

Per Minborg duke at openjdk.org
Tue Aug 23 12:44:34 UTC 2022

> This PR imrproves the ability to visualize a `MemorySegment` in human-readable forms.
> It exposes two new methods by adding them directly to the MemorySegment interface. There are other ways to add the methods (e.g. by exposing them via a utility class).
> A public method in `MemorySegment`:
>     /**
>      * Returns a human-readable view of this memory segment viewed through
>      * the provided {@code layout}.
>      * <p>
>      * The format of the returned view is as follows:
>      * <ol>
>      *     <li>tag/value pairs are separated with an "=" character.</li>
>      *     <li>Each element is tagged with its {@link MemoryLayout#name()} or, if no name exists,
>      *     its {@link MemoryLayout#toString()} representation.</li>
>      *     <li> Values are rendered differently depending on their type:
>      *         <ul>
>      *             <li>Numeric values are rendered in decimal form (e.g 1 or 1.2).</li>
>      *             <li>Boolean values are rendered as {@code true} or {@code false}.</li>
>      *             <li>Character values are rendered as {@code char}.</li>
>      *             <li>Address values are rendered in hexadecimal form e.g. {@code 0x0000000000000000}.</li>
>      *         </ul>
>      *     </li>
>      *     <li>Values in a group layout are rendered with enclosing curly braces.</li>
>      *     <li>Structure and sequence elements are separated with a "," character.</li>
>      *     <li>Union elements are separated with a "|" character.</li>
>      *     <li>Lines are separated with the system-dependent line separator {@link System#lineSeparator() }.</li>
>      * </ol>
>      * Otherwise, the exact format of the returned view is unspecified and should not
>      * be acted upon programmatically.
>      * <p>
>      * As an example, a memory segment viewed though the following memory layout
>      * {@snippet lang = java:
>      *   memorySegment.set(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, 0, 1);
>      *   memorySegment.set(ValueLayout.JAVA_INT, 4, 2);
>      *
>      *    var layout = MemoryLayout.structLayout(
>      *           ValueLayout.JAVA_INT.withName("x"),
>      *           ValueLayout.JAVA_INT.withName("y")
>      *   ).withName("Point");
>      *
>      *   System.out.println(memorySegment.toString(layout));
>      *}
>      * will print:
>      * {@snippet lang = text:
>      * Point {
>      *   x=1,
>      *   y=2
>      * }
>      *}
>      *
>      * @param layout  to use as a layout when viewing the memory segment
>      * @return a view of the memory segment viewed through a memory layout layout
>      * @throws OutOfMemoryError if the size of the UTF-8 string is greater than the largest string
>      *         supported by the platform.
>      */
>     default String toString(MemoryLayout layout) {
>         Objects.requireNonNull(layout);
>         return MemorySegmentRenderUtil.toString(this, layout);
>     }
> and an internal method (not exposed in the public API):
> /**
>      * Returns a Stream of human-readable, lines with hexadecimal values for this memory segment.
>      * <p>
>      * Each element in the stream comprises the following characters:
>      * <ol>
>      *     <li>an initial 64-bit offset (e.g. "0000000000000010").</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of two spaces (i.e. "  ").</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of at most eight bytes (e.g. "66 6F 78 20 6A 75 6D 70") where
>      *     each byte is separated by a space.</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of two spaces (i.e. "  ").</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of at most eight bytes (e.g. "65 64 20 6F 76 65 72 20") where
>      *     each byte separated by a space.</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of N spaces (i.e. "  ") such that the intermediate line is aligned to 68 characters</li>
>      *     <li>a "|" separator.</li>
>      *     <li>a sequence of at most 16 printable Ascii characters (values outside [32, 127] will be printed as ".").</li>
>      *     <li>a "|" separator.</li>
>      * </ol>
>      * All the values above are given in hexadecimal form with leading zeros. As there are at most 16 bytes
>      * rendered for each line, there will be N = ({@link MemorySegment#byteSize()} + 15) / 16 elements in the returned stream.
>      * <p>
>      * As a consequence of the above, this method renders to a format similar to the *nix command "hexdump -C".
>      * <p>
>      * As an example, a memory segment created, initialized and used as follows
>      * {@snippet lang = java:
>      *   MemorySegment segment = memorySession.allocate(64 + 4);
>      *   segment.setUtf8String(0, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog\nSecond line\t:here");
>      *   segment.hexDump()
>      *       .forEach(System.out::println);
>      *}
>      * will be printed as:
>      * {@snippet lang = text:
>      * 0000000000000000  54 68 65 20 71 75 69 63  6B 20 62 72 6F 77 6E 20  |The quick brown |
>      * 0000000000000010  66 6F 78 20 6A 75 6D 70  65 64 20 6F 76 65 72 20  |fox jumped over |
>      * 0000000000000020  74 68 65 20 6C 61 7A 79  20 64 6F 67 0A 53 65 63  |the lazy dog.Sec|
>      * 0000000000000030  6F 6E 64 20 6C 69 6E 65  09 3A 68 65 72 65 00 00  |ond line.:here..|
>      * 0000000000000040  00 00 00 00                                       |....|
>      *}
>      * <p>
>      * Use a {@linkplain MemorySegment#asSlice(long, long) slice} to inspect a specific region
>      * of a memory segment.
>      * <p>
>      * This method can be used to dump the contents of various other memory containers such as
>      * {@linkplain ByteBuffer ByteBuffers} and byte arrays by means of first wrapping the container
>      * into a MemorySegment:
>      * {@snippet lang = java:
>      *   MemorySegment.ofArray(byteArray).hexDump();
>      *   MemorySegment.ofBuffer(byteBuffer).hexDump();
>      *}
>      *
>      * @param segment to inspect
>      * @return a Stream of human-readable, lines with hexadecimal values
>      */
>     public static Stream<String> hexDump(MemorySegment segment) {
> ``` 
> and

Per Minborg has updated the pull request with a new target base due to a merge or a rebase. The pull request now contains 10 commits:

 - Merge branch 'foreign-memaccess+abi' into render
 - Add ValueLayoutRenderer and fix issue
 - Add test
 - Change address output form and improve JavaDocs
 - Fix failing test and rename variables
 - Make dumpHex() internal and improve JavaDoc
 - Merge branch 'render' of https://github.com/minborg/panama-foreign into render
 - Merge branch 'foreign-memaccess+abi' into render
 - Update to reflect most initial PR comments
 - Add rendering of MemorySegments


Changes: https://git.openjdk.org/panama-foreign/pull/695/files
 Webrev: https://webrevs.openjdk.org/?repo=panama-foreign&pr=695&range=07
  Stats: 987 lines in 3 files changed: 983 ins; 2 del; 2 mod
  Patch: https://git.openjdk.org/panama-foreign/pull/695.diff
  Fetch: git fetch https://git.openjdk.org/panama-foreign pull/695/head:pull/695

PR: https://git.openjdk.org/panama-foreign/pull/695

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