Possible to get another preview build of Panama FFM?

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Wed Dec 14 16:58:22 UTC 2022

Hi Gavin,
note that instead of a Panama build, you can just grab a Java 20 EA 
build here:


This should contains all the changes in JEP 434.


On 14/12/2022 16:50, Gavin Ray wrote:
> Hey all,
> Do you think it'd be possible to cut another preview release of Panama 
> sometime in the near-ish future?
> If not, does anyone have a recent-ish Linux build they could put up on 
> a Google Drive and post here?
> (If nobody does, I will do it and attach to this thread later 
> today/this week)
> Also, just out of curiosity, why does OpenJDK not have CI builds?
> If someone writes Github Actions to build OpenJDK, would that have any 
> chance of being integrated?
> Thank you =)
> - Gavin

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