Time for pudding... and another Panama update
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Tue Dec 20 14:00:53 UTC 2022
Hi all,
with JEP 434 [25] integrated into Java 20, it is time for another Panama
The Foreign Function & Memory API has been a Preview API since Java 19.
Since then, the already biggie number of applications using Panama has
been growing steadily [1-14]. As always, we are thankful for all the
feedback provided through this and other channels. In all projects, but
especially in a hydra-like project like this, feedback is essential, so
please do keep this up!
After the first preview in Java 19, while most of the FFM API was in a
very stable state, it was also clear that there were two areas of
uncertainties. The first had to do with the split between MemoryAddress
and MemorySegment. While this split made logical sense when it was
introduced, it also made a lot of application code more verbose, and for
no good reason. The new FFM API iteration in Java 20 rectifies this
issue, by doubling down on memory segments [15]: in Java 20 memory
segments act both as buffers, *and* as addresses (e.g. when their size
is zero). As recently demonstrated [16] this leads to significant
simplifications in client code using jextract.
The other area of uncertainty in the FFM API revolved around the
MemorySession abstraction, which was trying to do too many things at
once. The new iteration of the FFM API splits MemorySession into two
abstractions [17]: an Arena, which is used to allocate and
deterministically release memory in a try-with-resource statement, and a
SegmentScope, which is used to indicate the temporal bounds associated
with a memory segment. This split leads to a more principled API, and
one that is much easier to build upon (as a result of this split, the
Arena interface has been made non-sealed and can be extended to define
custom allocators). Some long standing issues, such as lack of
encapsulation w.r.t. MemorySession::close have also been addressed.
Overall, we believe this is a good improvement, but it's fair to say
that more time (and feedback) is required to understand if lifetime
management in the FFM API has reached its lowest energy state (which
might, in turn, affect our chances to finalize the FFM API in 21). This
is perhaps not surprising: one of the main challenges of the FFM API is
that to bring timely *and* safe deallocation in a programming language
that is built around the idea of *implicit* deallocation, managed by a
garbage collector. As such, we should make sure we get this absolutely
As pointed out in [18], we realized that some classes that are currently
part of the FFM API (yes, we're looking at you VaList!) are too
hopelessly platform specific, and, while handy, they probably do not
deserve to be part of a Java SE API. The current thinking, confirmed by
the feedback received in this mailing list (thanks!) is that we will
likely drop VaList and VaList.Builder from Java 21. As for the rest of
the Linker API, it's all looking very good and stable. Java 20 adds the
concept of "linker option", which we used to model variadic calls, and
also to capture the state of "errno" and other runtime-dependent
variables in a fairly general way [19]. We have plans to add more linker
options in the future, perhaps to remove the cost of state transitions
in trivial calls, or to allow Java code to pass _heap_ segments directly
to native calls (pinning), or to add custom signal handlers for native
functions (as some native functions like to report errors that way). We
believe that these improvement can be delivered incrementally, even
*after* the FFM API is finalized.
Last but not least, we have made solid progress on the jextract front. A
year ago the jextract tool was still part of the Panama repo [20]. Since
then, we have moved jextract in its own repository [21] and started
offering jextract binaries [22], so as to help developers getting
started. Overall, the jextract tool has benefited from this split, and
the number of external contributions has increased steadily (as the
process for building standalone jextract is much simpler, thanks to the
new Gradle build). Over the last few months we have been working on a
number of usability improvements, such as the ability to generate
javadoc with C-like signatures for all the generates structs and
functions [23]. But, of course, in a tool like jextract there is always
some tinkering left to do: possible areas of improvement include adding
first class support for capturing errno (using the linker option
machinery described above), improving the mapping for C structs, and
investigate ways to reduce the static footprint of the jextract
generated code (perhaps in combination with some explorations happening
as part of Project Leyden [24]).
This sums up where we are, and should provide some guidance of where
things are headed in the various areas touched by this project.
[1] - https://github.com/manuelbl/JavaDoesUSB
[2] - https://github.com/BlueGoliath/Envious-FX
[3] - https://github.com/boulder-on/JPassport
[4] - https://github.com/carldea/panama4newbies
[5] - https://github.com/rmaucher/openssl-panama-foreign
[6] - https://github.com/openjdk/jextract
[7] - https://github.com/netty/netty-incubator-buffer-api
[8] - https://github.com/apache/lucene
[9] - https://github.com/cryptomator/jfuse
[10] - https://github.com/jzy3d/panama-gl
[11] - https://github.com/hhu-bsinfo/infinileap
[12] - https://gitlab.com/mhammons/slinc
[13] - https://github.com/IGJoshua/coffi
[14] - https://github.com/brcolow/java-vulkan
[15] - https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/panama-dev/2022-July/017181.html
[16] -
[17] -
[18] -
[19] - https://git.openjdk.org/panama-foreign/pull/742
[20] - https://github.com/openjdk/panama-foreign
[21] - https://github.com/openjdk/jextract
[22] - https://jdk.java.net/jextract/
[23] - https://git.openjdk.org/jextract/pull/85
[24] -
[25] - https://openjdk.org/jeps/434
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