Issue in combination with JLink/JPackage

Clemens Lanthaler clemens.lanthaler at
Sun Jun 5 10:28:41 UTC 2022

Hello Maurizio,

I have now updated all my panama project with the Panama Build 
19-panama+1-13. Now my LibrawFX library is working as expected, but my 
second lib LibHeifFX is not working and shows the same error message 
than before.

The difference between the two native libs is that LibrawFX is thread 
safe and LibheifFX is not. Maybe the reason for only showing the issue 
on Libheif could be also the loading order.

 From the issue description the fix is already included (build 11) but 
it seems that there is another issue behind it.

What I did:
- Generate with jextract from Panama Build 19-panama+1-13
- Run with JDK 18.0.1

Must I run it with JDK 19 to be working ? But if that is the case than 
LibrawFX should not be working as well. Give me feedback if you need any 
logs additionally.

best regards,

Am 18.02.22 um 23:16 schrieb Maurizio Cimadamore:
> Hi Clemens,
> no worries - I will let you know when we have an EA with the fix 
> available (we'll probably wait to accumulate some other fixes/features 
> as well).
> Thanks
> Maurizio
> On 18/02/2022 22:04, Clemens Lanthaler wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks allot for the info. I have seen that the fix will be part of 
>> JDK19 and frankly speeking I have never build a jdk by myself. I 
>> would appreciate if there is a chance to get a binary of this pre 
>> build including panama.
>> Thank you in advance.
>> best regards,
>> Clemens
>>> Maurizio Cimadamore <maurizio.cimadamore at> hat am 
>>> 18.02.2022 15:30 geschrieben:
>>> Hi,
>>> quick update on this. The problem with library loading in JDK being too
>>> strict for Panama has been fixed upstream (thanks Mandy!):
>>> We've just merged those changes into the Panama repo - which means 
>>> that,
>>> if you build the latest version of the repo, you should be able to
>>> verify that the workarounds are no longer required.
>>> Please let us know how that goes.
>>> Cheers
>>> Maurizio
>>> On 10/02/2022 10:05, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>> I have managed to create a simple reproducer on Windows:
>>>> import jdk.incubator.foreign.CLinker;
>>>> public class TestLookup {
>>>>     public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>> System.load("C:\\Windows\\System32\\ucrtbase.dll");
>>>>         CLinker.systemCLinker().lookup("foo");
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> The call to CLinker::lookup fails with UnsatisfiedLinkError as
>>>> ucrtbase is already loaded by the application class loader.
>>>> This seems to be a bug in the library loading mechanism - we do have a
>>>> "raw" library loading mechanism that is not subject to JNI 
>>>> restrictions:
>>>> <*L99__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!bOgtuoBaY3YrzwP16VXj_WbRpiIFGIzLTsiROaXth333Wb6mUx9EzcQleW7Q-4C06fylqx0$> 
>>> >
>>>> This library loader ends up calling this method which contains a class
>>>> loader check:
>>>> <*L203__;Iw!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!bOgtuoBaY3YrzwP16VXj_WbRpiIFGIzLTsiROaXth333Wb6mUx9EzcQleW7Q-4C0tN6Z3Vs$> 
>>> >
>>>> I believe this loader check should be guarded by a "isJNI" flag, as we
>>>> did for other checks - e.g. whether JNI_OnLoad should be called.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Maurizio
>>>> On 07/02/2022 12:19, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>>>>> No problem.
>>> >> I've filed this:
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >>
>>> >> Cheers
>>> >> Maurizio
>>> >>
>>> >> On 07/02/2022 12:15, clemens.lanthaler at wrote:
>>> >>> Hi Maurizio,
>>> >>>
>>> >>> thanks allot for your help and for the investigation.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> best regards,
>>> >>> Clemens
>>> >>>
>>> >>>
>>> >>>> On 7. Feb 2022, at 13:03, Maurizio Cimadamore
>>> >>>> <maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Hi Clemens (it seems like your message got dropped by the mailing
>>> >>>> list, not sure why).
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Your message seems to point at some bad interaction between
>>> >>>> jpackage and Panama both trying to load ucrtbase.dll (and only one
>>> >>>> can win). Apparently, the Panama code isn't executed early enough
>>> >>>> in the jpackage case.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> We'll need to investigate more.
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> Maurizio
>>> >>>>
>>> >>>> On 05/02/2022 15:31, Clemens Lanthaler wrote:
>>> >>>>> Hello everybody,
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I am the developer of project librawfx
>>> >>>>> ( and the app Photoslide
>>> >>>>> (
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> At the begining of Photoslide the whole app was modularized and
>>> >>>>> therefore all was working including librawfx which is using
>>> >>>>> project Panama. After a while I had to change to a mixed
>>> >>>>> (modulepath for jdk+javafx libs and classpath for the rest)
>>> >>>>> environment and deployed my app PhotoSlide again. Under Linux and
>>> >>>>> OSX all is working as expected. The problem exists only under
>>> >>>>> Windows. Furthermore it exists only if I am creating a
>>> >>>>> Jlink/Jpackage distribution. Running the app from maven was
>>> >>>>> working as expected. Only the JPackage launcher have the issue 
>>> and
>>> >>>>> I have no clue what the root cause is.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> The exception I am always seeing is:
>>> >>>>> Feb. 03, 2022 7:44:58 PM org.librawfx.RAWImageLoader load
>>> >>>>> SCHWERWIEGEND: null
>>> >>>>> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library
>>> >>>>> C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll already loaded in another
>>> >>>>> classloader
>>> >>>>> (Full stacktrace below)
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> How can you reproduce the issue:
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>  1. Git clone project 
>>> <;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!bOgtuoBaY3YrzwP16VXj_WbRpiIFGIzLTsiROaXth333Wb6mUx9EzcQleW7Q-4C0nxVq_C0$> 
>>> >>>>>  2. Start the app with "mvn javafx:run at default-cli"
>>> >>>>>  3. Click on the open icon in the toolbar and select file
>>> >>>>> 
>>> "...\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JeditFX\JeditFX\src\main\resources\RAW-ADOBE_DNG_Sample.dng" 
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>  4. The app is showing the image below the textarea
>>> >>>>>  5. Create the jlink/jpackage app-image with "mvn -Ppackage clean
>>> >>>>>     install"
>>> >>>>>  6. Start the exe jeditfx.exe in directory ".\target\jeditfx"
>>> >>>>>  7. Open the same file again -> No image is shown below the text
>>> >>>>>     area and the exception is thrown in the background
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> I have tried many things but it is only happening if I have
>>> >>>>> OpenJFX+JDK Modules on the module path and the rest of the jar
>>> >>>>> files on the classpath. All libs which are not having any Panama
>>> >>>>> code inside of the app are working perfectly and it is only
>>> >>>>> happening on Windows.
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Thank you in advance for your help!
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> best regards,
>>> >>>>> Clemens
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> *Full stacktrace from Photoslide:*
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> Feb. 03, 2022 7:44:41 PM
>>> >>>>> createSearchIndex
>>> >>>>> INFORMATION: Start time create searchDB: 
>>> 2022-02-03T19:44:41.693455
>>> >>>>> Feb. 03, 2022 7:44:42 PM org.photoslide.SoftwareUpdater
>>> >>>>> lambda$checkForSoftwareUpdates$2
>>> >>>>> INFORMATION: No new version found!
>>> >>>>> Feb. 03, 2022 7:44:43 PM
>>> >>>>> lambda$createSearchIndex$0
>>> >>>>> INFORMATION: End time create searchDB: 
>>> 2022-02-03T19:44:43.186194400
>>> >>>>> Feb. 03, 2022 7:44:58 PM org.librawfx.RAWImageLoader load
>>> >>>>> SCHWERWIEGEND: null
>>> >>>>> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library
>>> >>>>> C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll already loaded in another
>>> >>>>> classloader
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.loadLibrary(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> java.base/jdk.internal.loader.NativeLibraries.loadLibrary(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.SystemLookup.lambda$makeWindowsLookup$1(Unknown 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.SystemLookup.libLookup(Unknown 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.SystemLookup.makeWindowsLookup(Unknown 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.internal.foreign.SystemLookup.(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> jdk.incubator.foreign/jdk.incubator.foreign.CLinker.systemLookup(Unknown 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> org.librawfx.LibrawImage.readPixelDataFromStream(
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> at 
>>> org.librawfx.RAWImageLoader.getImageData(
>>> >>>>> at org.librawfx.RAWImageLoader.load(
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageStorage.loadAll(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/com.sun.javafx.iio.ImageStorage.loadAll(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/ 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/ 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/ 
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> at 18-ea/javafx.scene.image.Image.loadImage(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> at 18-ea/javafx.scene.image.Image.initialize(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at at 18-ea/javafx.scene.image.Image.(Unknown 
>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> org.photoslide.datamodel.MediaFileLoader$ 
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> org.photoslide.datamodel.MediaFileLoader$ 
>>> >>>>>
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> at 18-ea/javafx.concurrent.Task$
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at java.base/ Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at java.base/ Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at
>>> >>>>> 
>>> java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
>>> >>>>> Source)
>>> >>>>> at java.base/ Source)

CEO: B.Sc. Clemens Lanthaler
Forchachstrasse 3
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