Obsoleting JavaCritical
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
mark.reinhold at oracle.com
Tue Jun 7 17:31:08 UTC 2022
2022/6/6 0:24:17 -0700, wkudla.kernel at gmail.com:
>> Yes for System.nanoTime(), but System.currentTimeMillis() reports
> Unfortunately System.currentTimeMillis() offers only millisecond
> granularity which is the reason why our industry has to resort to
> clock_gettime.
If the platform included, say, an intrinsified System.nanoRealTime()
method that returned clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME), how much would
that help developers in your unnamed industry?
In a similar vein, if people are finding it necessary to “replace parts
of NIO with hand-crafted native code” then it would be interesting to
understand what their requirements are. Some simple enhancements to
the NIO API would be much less costly to design and implement than a
generalized user-level native-call intrinsification mechanism.
- Mark
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