Call foreign member functions using Panama
Red IO
redio.development at
Sat Nov 26 06:57:12 UTC 2022
I was building a small framework to connect rust and java (jdk 11) for a
project. I build a java class with 1 field a long. Then I added non static
native functions to the class representing the member functions of the
corresponding rust struct. I mangled myself through the jni nightmare and
stored a reference to the rust struct in the long. This construct simulates
first class foreign member function support pretty well. After building
this I thought about Panama. As far as I know Panama currently only
supports C (no concept of member functions). Wouldn't it be a good idea to
support languages like c++, rust and their member functions? I mean with
Panama we can already create foreign structs. Would it be so far fetched to
integrate constructors and member functions into Panama and jextract?
Great regards
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