Call foreign member functions using Panama

Samuel Audet samuel.audet at
Wed Nov 30 10:12:39 UTC 2022

John, I see you still have some beef against JavaCPP, but let me clarify 
my point of view. When I mention Panama, in my mind, this only refers to 
the bits in the JDK. In my opinion, this doesn't include tools like 
jextract. OpenJDK even agrees with me:

"This is an early access build, from openjdk/jextract which is part of 
Code Tools."

See? It's part of "Code Tools" now, not "Panama". Anybody, anyone, even 
myself, alone, in my free time, *gasp* (imagine that) can produce a tool 
like jextract, completely independently from the JDK. What Panama should 
offer to the community is a JDK that can do something *more* than just 
access to the C API of native platforms. I am aware that this is only my 
personal opinion, and not yours, so as usual, let's agree to disagree! :)


On 11/30/22 09:38, John Rose wrote:
> P.P.S. In view of the above facts, Samuel Audet’s simple statement that 
> “anything outside platform ABIs for C is out of scope for Panama” 
> appears misleadingly absolute. The C system ABIs are a sweet spot, not a 
> limitation, and Panama can today, or may tomorrow, do lots of 
> non-obvious tricks with ABIs that let us reach many families of API 
> points beyond C.

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