MemorySession cleanup order

Manuel Bleichenbacher manuel.bleichenbacher at
Fri Sep 16 18:09:48 UTC 2022

Thank you Maurizio.

It works very well and I've integrated it in my code.

Now that I have some insights into the implementation, I can understand why
it works.

But initially I expected that a memory segment is either allocated and
available, or deallocated and not available. And when I learned that it can
be closed before it is eventually freed, I expected that it cannot be
accessed in that state, neither through it's original nor any other
session. It's still a bit surprising. I hope it's not an implementation
detail that will change one day.

-- Manuel

On Thu, Sep 15, 2022 at 7:47 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:

> On 15/09/2022 18:06, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
> Thank you for the detailed answer.
> It's quite confusing that the segment can still be copied but not used in
> a method call. To understand it, it either requires detailed knowledge
> about the implementation or a new concept or state related to session and
> segments must documented.
> Note that by "copied" we're probably referring to different things.
> What I meant by "copying" was doing this:
> ```
> assertFalse(oldSegment.session().isAlive());
> MemorySegment newSegment = MemorySegment.ofAddress(oldSegment.address(),
> oldSegment.byteSize(), globalSession());
> // now I can use newSegment!
> ```
> The `ofAddress` factory creates a new native segment (unsafely), with a
> given base address, size and session. It does not copy any contents, it
> just assumes that the base address you provide is correct.
> Anyway, this would be even more cumbersome. So I'm sticking to other
> approaches for cleanup.
> One approach worth considering could be to also add an `addCloseAction`
> method on `MemorySegment` which basically is syntactic sugar for the code
> above:
> ```
> void addCloseAction(Consumer<MemorySegment> action) {
>     Runnable action = () -> {
>         try (MemorySession closingSession = MemorySession.openConfined()) {
>            MemorySegment dup = MemorySegment.ofAddress(this.address(),
> this.byteSize(), closingSession);
>            action.accept(dup);
>         }
>     }
>     session.addCloseAction(action);
> }
> ```
> If you have this method, then you can just do:
> ```
> MemorySegment segment = MemorySegment.allocateNative(100, ...);
> segment.addCloseAction( segment -> <insert logic here>);
> ```
> Note that the segment the lambda operates on is not exactly the same
> segment as the original (it has a different memory session), but it is
> backed by the same memory region. Since we can guarantee that this custom
> cleanup action will always run _before_ the "free"/"unmap" operation (even
> in the case of multple threads), this would effectively solve some of the
> issues you brought up. Is that something that would be helpful? Perhaps you
> could try adding a method like the above in your code, but as a static
> method like this (since the implementation just relies on public API):
> ```
> static void addCloseAction(MemorySegment segment, Consumer<MemorySegment> action) {
>     long size = segment.byteSize();
>     long address = segment.address(); // or use MemoryAddress if on Java 19    Runnable closeAction = () -> {
>         try (MemorySession closingSession = MemorySession.openConfined()) {
>             MemorySegment dup = MemorySegment.ofAddress(address, size, closingSession);
>             action.accept(dup);
>         }
>     };
>     segment.session().addCloseAction(closeAction);
> }
> ```
> And maybe you can let us know how that goes?
> Thanks
> Maurizio
> On Wed, Sep 14, 2022 at 11:59 PM Maurizio Cimadamore <
> maurizio.cimadamore at> wrote:
>> On 14/09/2022 22:28, Manuel Bleichenbacher wrote:
>> > The documentation for MemorySession.addCloseAction() states that the
>> > order of custom cleanup actions is unspecified. But it only hints at
>> > the order of custom close actions vs. closing memory segments.
>> >
>> > Is it correct that memory segments are closed first, and then the
>> > custom cleanup actions are executed?
>> >
>> > If so, is there a specific reason for it? It would be more useful to
>> > other way round.
>> >
>> > I have several cases requiring cleanup of data structures residing in
>> > a memory segment. It would be most natural to use custom cleanup
>> > actions to do so as their lifespans end at the same time. But given
>> > the current order, a far less elegant way is needed.
>> The current spec says no ordering.
>> In reality there is an ordering that can be relied upon (the javadoc
>> will likley be rectified to reflect this).
>> The actions added to the scope last will also be called first. Of course
>> the ordering is only valid for actions added within the same thread, and
>> if you have multiple threads adding action, other orders could be
>> observed.
>> When you allocate a memory segment using a session, a cleanup action for
>> it is added to the session (as if calling addCloseAction), so you need
>> to take that into account as well.
>> Given all this, if you do:
>> ```
>> MemorySegment.allocateNative(100, session);
>> session.addCloseAction(runnable);
>> ```
>> I would expect the "runnable" to be executed before "free" is called on
>> the memory segment.
>> But, mind you, that alone won't help much: from the perspective of the
>> close action, the session attached to the segment has already been
>> closed, so you cannot touch the segment directly (by the same token that
>> protects from use after free). In other words, a session is a bit of
>> state that is shared by all the resources attached to that session. When
>> the session is closed (using the close() method), all the resources
>> attached to that session becomes inaccessible at once. There's no way to
>> add a "pre-close" action, because, if the action is pre-close, the
>> session is still alive, and it means that other threads have potentially
>> still access on the segment, and they might not know the segment is
>> about to be closed (so the close action would race with other accesses,
>> which seems a recipe for disaster).
>> But the cleanup action can create a copy of the segment into a fresh
>> segment associated with the global scope (using
>> MemorySegment::ofAddress), and access that instead (since it knows the
>> address still valid).
>> Maurizio
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