Why the signature of arrangeDowncall/arrangeUpcall in CallArranger.java is inconsistent between Aarch64 and x64?

Cheng Jin jincheng at ca.ibm.com
Wed Feb 1 23:55:00 UTC 2023

Hi there,

Can anybody explain why the "static" keyword was removed from arrangeDowncall/arrangeUpcall on Aarch64 (since JDK18) in src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/abi/aarch64/CallArranger.java?

   public MethodHandle arrangeDowncall(MethodType mt, FunctionDescriptor cDesc, LinkerOptions options) {

    public MemorySegment arrangeUpcall(MethodHandle target, MethodType mt, FunctionDescriptor cDesc, SegmentScope session) {

It remains unchanged on x64 in src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/abi/x64/sysv/CallArranger.java & src/java.base/share/classes/jdk/internal/foreign/abi/x64/windows/CallArranger.java

    public static MethodHandle arrangeDowncall(MethodType mt, FunctionDescriptor cDesc, LinkerOptions options) {

    public static MemorySegment arrangeUpcall(MethodHandle target, MethodType mt, FunctionDescriptor cDesc, SegmentScope scope) {

I am wondering whether there was special reason for this or anything else I am unaware of.  Thanks.

Best Regards
Cheng Jin
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