Vector API performance

Bruno Rafael Sant Ana bruno.santana.ti at
Fri May 26 03:24:04 UTC 2023

Hi everyone,

This is the first time I'm using a Java mailing list, so hopefully I'm
doing it correctly.

I've heard that the Vector API should increase the performance when the
computer has a SIMD architecture.

I wrote this code to test the Vector API and surprisingly it seems to be
slower than the traditional way:

I got 5969 ns (traditional way) VS 48475736 ns (Vector API code). Why is
that? Maybe my laptop has no SIMD capabilities?

In addition to that, I have one more question. When I'm using the
IntVector.fromArray method passing an array with length less than 16 I get
an IndexOutOfBoundsException. Why is that?

Thank you!


*"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers
write code that humans can understand." Martin Fowler*
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