Panama and Swing/AWT support

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon May 29 14:18:40 UTC 2023

On 29/05/2023 09:40, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
>> First off I noticed a bug in jextract, it appears that in an 
>> anonymous union the location will be dumped into the name field, 
>> which is invalid on windows. The backslashes need to be escaped.
>> .withName("union (anonymous at 
>> C:\Users\Clayton\.jdks\openjdk-20.0.1\include\win32\jawt_md.h:42:5)"),
>> I came across this when generating bindings to jawt on windows. Not 
>> sure if it makes sense to include that path or not but I was able to 
>> get around it by adding a Utils.quote call to, 
>> like so append(".withName(\"" + Utils.quote( 
>> <;!!ACWV5N9M2RV99hQ!NZzKVdwoqGo5oDo6E4dLPZ7wZ5GFmFyiaSyGJk4cnIuOIOLfZ5PJL3wOxRylvOSOK-dvRUbJ2aHvsD1hLpnVPww8NZZmWkOH4w$>().get()) 
>> + "\")");
> That seems indeeed a bug - thanks

I'm doing some tests with a simple anon union:

struct A {
    int x;
    union {
       int a;
       int b;

This does not create the issue you reported - as the anon union gets 
named "$anon$0" (as it should be).

I have also tried to extract jawt_md.h using jextract 20 here:

And I can't see the odd name you are referring to. Is it possible you 
are using an older jextract version?

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