Official support for Unsafe proposal

Andrew Haley aph-open at
Sun Jan 21 09:53:30 UTC 2024

On 1/17/24 10:10, Quân Anh Mai wrote:
 > Regarding C2, I believe there is so much a compiler can do regarding eliminating bound checks. Of course, there are a lot of rooms for improvement, such as a constraint elimination pass (JDK-8307768). But even then a lot of cases are simply too hard. For example, a Brotli decompressor implemented in Rust can achieve a 11% speedup simply by disabling bound checks in its hot spot [1]
 > [1]: <>

Thanks for that reference. The feeling I got from reading it is that
decompression can be vastly improved (in the sense of safety and
reliability) by using a decent language at very little cost.

  "The security and safety of Rust in a SECCOMP sandbox without the
  overhead of a garbage collector is a big win. It is worth the minor
  computational overhead of decompressing in a safe language with
  bounds checked arrays and determinism guarantees."

Bravo, I say.

Andrew Haley  (he/him)
Java Platform Lead Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd. <>
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