How feasible is it for all native code to be ported to Panama?

Julian Waters tanksherman27 at
Fri May 31 12:50:17 UTC 2024

Hi all,

Just a quick question: Is a future where everything is based on Panama
and written in pure Java farfetched, or is it actually deceptively
more realistic than it seems? I just had this thought today when I
found out that lible had been removed and replaced entirely with a
Panama rewrite while fixing a rebase conflict earlier. The only C++ in
the JDK would just be HotSpot, and the only other native code would be
hsdis, the launcher exes and the jsvml and SLEEF(?) sources. It sounds
almost too good to be true, so I'll risk sounding like an idiot and
ask: Is it? I'm admittedly asking because I maintain a port of the
JDK, and it would be significantly easier to maintain if the only
native code was HotSpot and small portions of C and Assembly code
scattered around the repository. I definitely would be happy to see
awt.dll go, that's for sure!

best regards,

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