Garbage problem migrating from sun.misc.Unsafe to FFM API
Maurizio Cimadamore
maurizio.cimadamore at
Mon Jan 6 10:43:55 UTC 2025
`segment` and `segment2` are equals (as in `segment.equals(segment2)`
returns true).
They feature the same lifetime, so they can be compared. But `segment2`
is a fresh new instance which points at the same memory as `segment`.
Back to the original question: Sergio, can you please clarify what you
mean by "copy" ? The examples Remi provided do not really copy anything,
they just alternate between a memory segment and a byte buffer view of
the same region of memory.
It would be useful to have a pointer to some existing code using Unsafe,
so that we can better understand each other.
On 27/12/2024 14:33, Remi Forax wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Remi Forax" <forax at>
> *To: *"Sergio Selos" <sergio.selos.chicago at>
> *Cc: *"panama-dev" <panama-dev at>
> *Sent: *Friday, December 27, 2024 2:52:17 PM
> *Subject: *Re: Garbage problem migrating from sun.misc.Unsafe to
> I do not think you need pooling,
> if the ByteBuffer is created from a MemorySegment, it keeps a
> reference to the MemeorySegment
> var segment =Arena./global/().allocate(8192);
> var buffer =segment.asByteBuffer();
> ...
> var segment2 =MemorySegment.ofBuffer(buffer);
> assertSame(segment, segment2); // should be ok !
> It's not :( t's a MemorySegment with the same address but not the same
> memory segment,
> so you have to hope that the VM is able to do escape analysis on the
> result of ofBuffer().
> Rémi
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Sergio Selos" <sergio.selos.chicago at>
> *To: *"Remi Forax" <forax at>
> *Cc: *"panama-dev" <panama-dev at>
> *Sent: *Friday, December 27, 2024 1:12:52 PM
> *Subject: *Re: Garbage problem migrating from sun.misc.Unsafe
> to FFM API
> Thanks for your answer, Remi.
> > Then I think that the idea if you want to minimize the
> garbage is to create the ByteBuffer from a MemorySegment with
> asByteBuffer() so you can then use ofBuffer() when you want
> the MemorySegment back.
> That approach could work, but ideally, we want the same
> capability provided by sun.misc.Unsafe today: the ability to
> work directly with external ByteBuffers. Note that we’re not
> really using the ByteBuffer itself but its underlying native
> memory address. Perhaps I’m overlooking something, but it
> seems the FFM API should offer a way to copy data directly
> between native memory regions.
> I also posted this question on StackOverflow and it was
> suggested to pool a MemorySegment per ByteBuffer.
> Unfortunately I'm afraid that will be a show-stopper due to
> the extra lookup in the critical path. For the record, the SO
> question is
> All the best,
> -Sergio
> On Fri, Dec 27, 2024 at 8:16 AM Remi Forax <forax at>
> wrote:
> Hello,
> are you using an older jdk than 22,
> MemorySegment.ofBuffer() should only takes a ByteBuffer [1] ?
> Then I think that the idea if you want to minimize the
> garbage is to create the ByteBuffer from a MemorySegment
> with asByteBuffer() so you can then use ofBuffer() when
> you want the MemorySegment back.
> That said, i would love to have methods like read() and
> write() to take MemorySegment instead of ByteBuffer
> because for my students the ByteBuffer API is an useless
> complication (you have to understand how the indexes work)
> when doing serious IO. Having API closest to the C ones
> would help a lot.
> Rémi
> [1]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From: *"Sergio Selos" <sergio.selos.chicago at>
> *To: *"panama-dev" <panama-dev at>
> *Sent: *Friday, December 27, 2024 2:05:24 AM
> *Subject: *Garbage problem migrating from
> sun.misc.Unsafe to FFM API
> Hello,
> We have a project using sun.misc.Unsafe that we are
> migrating to the new FFM API. The project is at
> For our particular systems (mostly financial low
> latency systems) it is important not to create any
> garbage (temp discarded instances) when receiving a
> message.
> We encountered an issue when copying from native
> memory straight into a direct ByteBuffer using the FFM
> API.
> Using sun.misc.Unsafe, copying from memory to a
> ByteBuffer can be done without creating temporary
> objects and garbage collector overhead. However, with
> the FFM API, achieving the same does not seem
> currently possible without generating garbage via a
> call to MemorySegment.ofBuffer.
> Does the FFM dev team plan to address this issue and
> provide a garbage-free way to perform this copy, like
> we currently can with sun.misc.Unsafe?
> Maybe there is already a way and we are just unaware
> how to do it.
> Below the current code we have with sun.misc.Unsafe,
> which does not produce any garbage, and the only way
> we are aware of to do it with the FFM API, which
> produces garbage.
> Thanks and let me know if you need any more details
> about this and/or if I can help with anything.
> All the best,
> -Sergio
> // With sun.misc.Unsafe:
> @Override
> public void getByteBuffer(long address, ByteBuffer
> dst, int len) {
> if (!dst.isDirect()) {
> throw new RuntimeException("getByteBuffer can
> only take a direct byte buffer!");
> }
> try {
> long dstAddress = (long)
> addressField.get(dst); // get the memory address of
> this ByteBuffer
> dstAddress += dst.position(); // adjust the
> address for the ByteBuffer current position
> unsafe.copyMemory(address, dstAddress, len);
> // copy over
> dst.position(dst.position() + len); // adjust
> the ByteBuffer position to reflect the copy operation
> } catch(Exception e) {
> throw new RuntimeException(e);
> }
> }
> // With FFM API:
> @Override
> public void getByteBuffer(long address, ByteBuffer
> dst, int len) {
> if (!dst.isDirect()) {
> throw new RuntimeException("getByteBuffer can
> only take a direct byte buffer!");
> }
> long offset = address - this.address; // offset in
> our 'segment'
> try (Arena arena = Arena.ofConfined()) { // <====
> probably creating a temp object here too
> // Wrap the destination ByteBuffer in a
> temporary segment
> // This segment's data starts at dst.position()
> MemorySegment dstSegment =
> MemorySegment.ofBuffer(dst, arena); // <====== temp
> memory segment object
> // Copy from 'segment' at 'offset' →
> dstSegment at offset 0 → length = 'len'
> dstSegment.copyFrom(this.segment, offset, 0, len);
> }
> dst.position(dst.position() + len);
> }
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