XML for module descriptor

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Apr 17 02:22:56 PDT 2012

On 17/04/2012 08:09, David Bosschaert wrote:
> Seems like there is at least a majority for going with JSON as a
> format. I'm not an expert in encodings but to me it looks like it
> could be solved in the same way as currently done for the MANIFEST.MF.
> I'll start prototyping the JSON module descriptor in Penrose.
None of my business as to the format that you use but I hope that 
developers will be strongly discouraged from editing the module 
declarations post compilation, otherwise it may result in issues at 
runtime that are hard to diagnose. Note that I'm not talking about the 
custom meta-data as I don't know if that can be validated at build time. 
I'm also not talking about tool agents as they may need to augment the 
access control rules for instrumentation purposes.


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