OSGi CT R4.3 test results with Penrose

Shi Jun Zhang zhangshj at linux.vnet.ibm.com
Mon Jun 11 02:03:20 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I'm running OSGi CT  R4.3 with Penrose regularly to ensure the 

For Equinox 3.7.2, all tests pass on Windows 32bit platform and Linux 
32bit platform.

For Felix framework 4.0.2 with security 2.0.1, all tests pass on Linux 
32bit platform. Some tests fail intermittently on Windows 32bit platform.

I'm trying to send out the test result automatically but these mails do 
not show on the mailing list. I tried using fake account set in Jenkins 
and my real email account, none of them works. Does anyone know what's 
the problem? Are these mail treated as spam?

Anyway, i will continue running OSGi CT.


Shi Jun Zhang

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