RFR: Initial code for a JSON-based module descriptor.

David Bosschaert david.bosschaert at gmail.com
Wed May 9 03:24:09 PDT 2012

Hi all,

I have updated my changes and hopefully this addresses the issues Shi
Jun pointed out.

* I abandoned the use of java.util.Scanner - I ran into that exception too.
* Moved handling of module-info.json in ModuleClassLoader down to the
Library level.
* Moved multiple charAt() calls to local variable in JSONParser.
* There are unit tests in _JSONParser and
* A simple system test can be found in hello-json.sh.

I didn't change all of the module-info.class handling code that exists
in other places yet, I'd like to take an incremental approach to this
so this is just the beginning, which gets the basic hello-json.sh
testcase going. I'd like to address the other places that need
updating for JSON module descriptors in separate commits.

You can find my updated changes here:

Best regards,


On 27 April 2012 13:45, David Bosschaert <david.bosschaert at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 24 April 2012 09:59, Shi Jun Zhang <zhangshj at linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
>> Another comment, java.util.jar.JarFile.getModuleInfo() also needs to be
>> modified accordingly.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Shi Jun Zhang
> Thanks, yes and there are even more. I found ModuleInfo readers in
> org.openjdk.jigsaw, sun.tools.jar and com.sun.classanalyzer. And there
> might even be more. Ultimately they all need to be modified to deal
> with the JSON definition.
> Best regards,
> David

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