Local Variable Type Inference - prototype

Maurizio Cimadamore maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com
Fri Mar 11 13:19:44 UTC 2016

Fix pushed - thanks


On 11/03/16 10:57, Maurizio Cimadamore wrote:
> On 11/03/16 07:59, Remi Forax wrote:
>> Hi Maurizio, hi all,
>> currently, this compiles
>> public class VarTest {
>>    var x = 3;
>>    static final var FOO = 3;
>> }
>> while i don't care too much about being able to declare final static 
>> field with var,
>> being able to declare instance field with var is plainly wrong for me
>> (and out of the scope of this JEP).
> That's outside the scope, and it's a bug in the implementation. I will 
> fix this.
> Maurizio
>> Rémi
>> ----- Mail original -----
>>> De: "Maurizio Cimadamore" <maurizio.cimadamore at oracle.com>
>>> À: platform-jep-discuss at openjdk.java.net
>>> Envoyé: Jeudi 10 Mars 2016 15:48:25
>>> Objet: Local Variable Type Inference - prototype
>>> Hi,
>>> I've pushed the first iteration of the local variable type inference
>>> prototype in the sandbox repository[1]. For those willing and brave
>>> enough to experiment, the branch name is "JEP-286-branch". We are also
>>> working to get some ready-made binary snapshots out of the door and 
>>> hope
>>> to have an update on that soon.
>>> This first iteration supports the 'var-only' syntax style:
>>> var s = "Hello!";
>>> That is, the type of 's' is inferred from the initializer, and no
>>> special assumption is made about mutability.
>>> Please share your experience with the prototype. For comments on this
>>> feature please refer to the survey[2] that Brian posted few days ago.
>>> Maurizio
>>> [1] - http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~chegar/docs/sandbox.html
>>> [2] -
>>> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/platform-jep-discuss/2016-March/000037.html 

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