about mips-port
Jonathan Springer
springer at reservoir.com
Fri Apr 25 15:52:51 PDT 2008
Songmao Tian wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am a developer of Loongson[1] platform from Lemote Tech Inc. which
> based in China. Loongson is a mips64 variant. It's great that OpenJDK to
> start the mips-port, special thanks to Jonathan Springer, that's really
> great.
> And Lemote has pursued java port for a long time. There's jdk 1.5
> working on Loongson, I have been using it for more than a year, but it's
> a pity that we don't have enough resource to push open jdk porting, so
> it's really great to hear that the work has been done! :-)
> Is there more plan about developing? I think some of our guys will
> likely join in:-).
Hi Songmao,
Yes, I have been working on a MIPS64 port, and the basic interpreter
functionality is there now. We are hoping to get going on the next
stage, which is to look at performance, before too much longer.
We have recently gotten an OpenJDK MIPS port project created[1], which
should help, so it is good timing. It has a mailing list, mips-port
(which hasn't been used yet since no one outside of Reservoir Labs has
been working on this code so far).
If you would like to help out, that sounds great. I need to figure
out the best way to collaborate. I will work on setting something up
that will work with our process here and hopefully take advantage of
the support that OpenJDK offers.
[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/announce/2008-April/000038.html
Jonathan Springer |
Reservoir Labs, Inc. | http://www.reservoir.com/
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