Ports para Windows Mobile

Mario Torre neugens.limasoftware at gmail.com
Tue May 10 12:26:55 PDT 2011

Il giorno mar, 10/05/2011 alle 11.31 -0300, Marcos Vinicius Dufloth ha
> Bom dia. Não sei se já foi respondida aqui. Não conseguir pesquisar no
> histórico. Alguém está portando a JVM para Windows Mobile?
> Marcos.

This is a english speaking list.

I translate briefly for the list:

He asked if somebody is doing a port for Windows Mobile.

To answer your question, there are probably some commercial entities
that offer this in one way or the other, but as far as I know, nobody is
doing a free port of OpenJDK. I pass on for a real answer to the others
though, as I don't follow windows development and maybe I'm wrong.

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