(L) Prelim RFR: 8132510: Replace ThreadLocalStorage with compiler/language-based thread-local variables

David Holmes david.holmes at oracle.com
Fri Nov 6 03:09:03 UTC 2015

Hi Jeremy,

I was going to ask you to elaborate :)

On 6/11/2015 12:24 PM, Jeremy Manson wrote:
> I should probably elaborate on this.  With glibc + ELF, the first time a
> thread accesses a variable declared __thread, if that variable is in a
> shared library (as opposed to the main executable), the system calls
> malloc() to allocate the space for it.  If that happens in a signal that
> is being delivered during a call to malloc(), then you usually get a crash.

My understanding of the ELF ABI for thread-locals - which I read about 
in the Solaris 11.1 Linkers and libraries guide - does require use of 
the dynamic TLS model for any dynamically loaded shared object which 
defines a thread-local, but that is what we use as I understand it. The 
docs state:

"A shared object containing only dynamic TLS can be loaded following 
process startup without limitations. The runtime linker extends the list 
of initialization records to include the initialization template of the 
new object. The new object is given an index of m = M + 1. The
counter M is incremented by 1. However, the allocation of new TLS blocks 
is deferred until the blocks are actually referenced."

Now I guess "extends the list" might be implemented using malloc ... but 
this will only occur in the main thread (the one started by the launcher 
to load the JVM and become the main thread), at the time libjvm is 
loaded - which will all be over before any agent etc can run and do 
anything. But "allocation ... is deferred" suggests we may have a 
problem until either the first call to Thread::current or the call to 
Thread::initialize_thread_current. If it is the former then that should 
occur well before any agent etc can be loaded. And I can easily inject 
an initial dummy call to initialize_thread_current(null) to force the 
TLS allocation.

> This may bite you if AsyncGetCallTrace uses Thread::current(), and you
> use system timers to do profiling.  If a thread doing a malloc() prior
> to the first time it accesses Thread::current(), and it gets delivered a
> signal, it might die.  This is especially likely for pure native threads
> started by native code.
> I believe that this is a use case you support, so you might want to make
> sure it is okay.

For a VM embedded in a process, which already contains native threads, 
that will later attach to the VM, this may indeed be a problem. One 
would have hoped however that the implementation of TLS would be 
completely robust, at least for something as simple as getting a signal 
whilst in the allocator.

I'm unclear how to test for or check for this kind of problem. Arguably 
there could be many things that are async-unsafe in this way.

Need to think more about this and do some more research. Would also 
appreciate any insight from any glibc and/or ELF gurus.


> Jeremy
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Jeremy Manson <jeremymanson at google.com
> <mailto:jeremymanson at google.com>> wrote:
>     Something that's bitten me with __thread: it isn't async-safe when
>     called from a shared object on Linux.  Have you vetted to make sure
>     this doesn't make HS less async-safe?
>     Jeremy
>     On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 10:40 PM, David Holmes
>     <david.holmes at oracle.com <mailto:david.holmes at oracle.com>> wrote:
>         bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8132510
>         Open webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~dholmes/8132510/webrev.v2/
>         A simple (in principle) but wide-ranging change which should
>         appeal to our Code Deletion Engineer's. We implement
>         Thread::current() using a compiler/language-based thread-local
>         variable eg:
>           static __thread Thread *_thr_current;
>           inline Thread* Thread::current() {
>             return _thr_current;
>           }
>         with an appropriate setter of course. By doing this we can
>         completely remove the platform-specific ThreadLocalStorage
>         implementations, and the associated os::thread_local_storage*
>         calls, plus all the uses of ThreadLocalStorage::thread() and
>         ThreadLocalStorage::get_thread_slow(). This extends the previous
>         work done on Solaris to implement ThreadLocalStorage::thread()
>         using compiler-based thread-locals.
>         We can also consolidate nearly all the os_cpu versions of
>         MacroAssembler::get_thread on x86 into one cpu specific one ( a
>         special variant is still needed for 32-bit Windows).
>         As a result of this change we have further potential cleanups:
>         - all the src/os/<os>/vm/thread_<os>.inline.hpp files are now
>         completely empty and could also be removed
>         - the MINIMIZE_RAM_USAGE define (which avoids use of the linux
>         sp-map "cache" on 32-bit) now has no affect and so could be
>         completely removed from the build system
>         I plan to do the MINIMIZE_RAM_USAGE removal as a follow up CR,
>         but could add the removal of the "inline" files to this CR if
>         people think it worth removing them.
>         I have one missing piece on Aarch64 - I need to change
>         MacroAssembler::get_thread to simply call Thread::current() as
>         on other platforms, but I don't know how to write that. I would
>         appreciate it if someone could give me the right code for that.
>         I would also appreciate comments/testing by the AIX and PPC64
>         folk as well.
>         A concern about memory-leaks had previously been raised, but
>         experiments using simple C code on linux 86 and Solaris showed
>         no issues. Also note that Aarch64 already uses this kind of
>         thread-local.
>         Thanks,
>         David

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