RFR(S): 8019929: PPC64 (part 107): Extend ELF-decoder to support PPC64 function descriptor tables

Zhengyu Gu zhengyu.gu at oracle.com
Thu Dec 5 12:58:32 PST 2013

Okay. It looks good to me.



On 12/5/2013 3:48 PM, Volker Simonis wrote:
> Hi Zhengyu,
> thanks for you comments.
> The early return in line 99 has no effect on the file pointer position 
> because it's the block where the symbol table is already in memory, so 
> no file operations will take place. And even if 
> ElfFuncDescTable::lookup() will trigger a file operation, it will take 
> care to properly reset the file pointer.
> The early return in line 127 may indeed change the file position 
> pointer. But that's no problem because every file access in 
> ElfStringTable::string_at(), ElfSymbolTable::lookup() and 
> ElfFunDescTable::lookup() will properly reposition the file position 
> pointer when they are invoked. Maintaining the value of the file 
> position pointer is only important and necessary during the runtime of 
> ElfFile::load_tables() because that method reads from the ELF file in 
> a loop in the body of which the symbol and string tables are loaded. 
> But ElfFile::load_tables is only called once, in the ElfFile 
> constructor. All the other lookup functions can only be called after 
> the constructor is finished. So no problem here as well.
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> On Thursday, December 5, 2013, Zhengyu Gu wrote:
>     Hi Volker,
>     elfSymbolTable.cpp: ElfSymbolTable::lookup() line 99 and 127
>     You added early return true, without restoring file pointer
>     position. I am not sure it will break anything, but it was
>     intended in original code.
>     Thanks,
>     -Zhengyu
>     On 12/5/2013 1:37 PM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>         Hi,
>         so here it comes, the hopefully final webrev of this change:)
>         http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8019929.v3/
>         <http://cr.openjdk.java.net/%7Esimonis/webrevs/8019929.v3/>
>         I've:
>           - fixed the comments for the ifdefs as requested by Vladimir
>           - fixed the "else if" indentation as requested by Vladimir
>           - fixed the out-of-memory situation detected by Vitaly
>         I' also added a detailed description of why we need all this
>         on PPC64 to
>         elfFuncDescTable.hpp and fixed a small problem for old-style
>         PPC64 objects
>         with additional 'dot'-symbols (see description below). The
>         correct handling
>         of these old-style files also required another small '#ifdef
>         PPC64' section
>         in decoder_linux.cpp (for a detailed description why this is
>         necessary see
>         below). I hope that's OK.
>         Thank you and best regards,
>         Volker
>         Detailed change description:
>         On PowerPC-64 (and other architectures like for example IA64)
>         a pointer to
>         a function is not just a plain code address, but instead a
>         pointer to a so
>         called function descriptor (which is simply a structure
>         containing 3
>         pointers). This fact is also reflected in the ELF ABI for
>         PowerPC-64.
>         On architectures like x86 or SPARC, the ELF symbol table
>         contains the start
>         address and size of an object. So for example for a function
>         object (i.e.
>         type 'STT_FUNC') the symbol table's 'st_value' and 'st_size'
>         fields
>         directly represent the starting address and size of that
>         function. On PPC64
>         however, the symbol table's 'st_value' field only contains an
>         index into
>         another, PPC64 specific '.opd' (official procedure
>         descriptors) section,
>         while the 'st_size' field still holds the size of the
>         corresponding
>         function. In order to get the actual start address of a
>         function, it is
>         necessary to read the corresponding function descriptor entry
>         in the '.opd'
>         section at the corresponding index and extract the start
>         address from
>         there.
>         That's exactly what this 'ElfFuncDescTable' class is used for.
>         If the
>         HotSpot runs on a PPC64 machine, and the corresponding ELF
>         files contains
>         an '.opd' section (which is actually mandatory on PPC64) it
>         will be read
>         into an object of type 'ElfFuncDescTable' just like the string
>         and symbol
>         table sections. Later on, during symbol lookup in
>         'ElfSymbolTable::lookup()' this function descriptor table will
>         be used if
>         available to find the real function address.
>         All this is how things work today (2013) on contemporary Linux
>         distributions (i.e. SLES 10) and new version of GCC (i.e. >
>         4.0). However
>         there is a history, and it goes like this:
>         In SLES 9 times (sometimes before GCC 3.4) gcc/ld on PPC64
>         generated two
>         entries in the symbol table for every function. The value of
>         the symbol
>         with the name of the function was the address of the function
>         descriptor
>         while the dot '.' prefixed name was reserved to hold the
>         actual address of
>         that function (
>         http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/ELF/ppc64/PPC-elf64abi-1.9.html#FUNC-DES).
>         For a C-function 'foo' this resulted in two symbol table
>         entries like this
>         (extracted from the output of 'readelf -a '):
>         Section Headers:
>            [ 9] .text             PROGBITS         0000000000000a20
>          00000a20
>                 00000000000005a0  0000000000000000  AX       0     0  
>           16
>            [21] .opd              PROGBITS         00000000000113b8
>          000013b8
>                 0000000000000138  0000000000000000  WA       0     0     8
>         Symbol table '.symtab' contains 86 entries:
>             Num:    Value          Size Type    Bind   Vis      Ndx Name
>              76: 00000000000114c0    24 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   21 foo
>              78: 0000000000000bb0    76 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT    9 .foo
>           You can see now that the '.foo' entry actually points into
>         the '.text'
>         segment ('Ndx'=9) and its value and size fields represent the
>         functions
>         actual address and size. On the other hand, the entry for
>         plain 'foo'
>         points into the '.opd' section ('Ndx'=21) and its value and
>         size fields are
>         the index into the '.opd' section and the size of the
>         corresponding '.opd'
>         section entry (3 pointers on PPC64).
>         These so called 'dot symbols' were dropped around gcc 3.4 from
>         GCC and
>         BINUTILS, see
>         http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-08/msg00557.
>         <http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2004-08/msg00557.html>

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