First pass jtreg test results

Steve Poole spoole at
Sun Jan 20 07:24:41 PST 2013

hi - all .

After a lot of effort spinning wheels and dealing with some hardware issues I can finally announce the public appearance of ppcaix test results

The data is hosted off my dropbox account starting here ->

Now for the caveats..

1 - This is "hot off the press" so expect errors / issues / omissions etc

2 - The tests themselves are the result of running the jtreg tests in the jck repo.  I've done very little triaging of the results so the high number of failures will probably quickly descend with a little attention.

3 - I'm missing the results for the linux intel 64 bit runs I have (server is down - hope to get them published sometime next week)

And the questions..

A - Are these results ok in terms of available data?  I could publish the junit versions of the data too but I'm not sure that its worthwhile

B - I'm keen to make it very easy to compare results across the various runs.  I'd like to be able to pick a testcase and compare the detailed results side by side.  Will that be useful or is what we have enough for now?

C - How often should we refresh this data?    Once a day or once a week?

D -  What about running  / publishing  jtreg tests for the hotspot repo?



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