jdk 8 port: hotspot builds and runs

Lindenmaier, Goetz goetz.lindenmaier at sap.com
Fri Mar 22 05:45:10 PDT 2013


With the changes I just pushed to the ppc-aix-port jdk8 repository,
hotspot builds and runs on linuxppc and aixppc, including the c2 compiler!

Two features are not yet supported:

-          Compressed oops.  I still need to adapt ppc to the new

UseCompressedKlassPointers optimization.

-          Method Handles.  Volker is about to submit this to jdk7, and

then will push it into 8, too.

I tested this by dropping the vm into our jdk7.

We will now start to setup complete jdk8 builds for linuxppc and install
our tests.

Best regards,

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