Problems with sync from jdk8/jdk8 to ppc-aix-port/stage

David Holmes david.holmes at
Wed Nov 6 17:34:50 PST 2013

As you probably now realize there has been some large-scale cleanup work 
done by the build-infra team on the new build. This appears to be 
continuiing with the removal of the old build and subsequent change from 
using makefiles to just make again as the main directory.

I suggest keeping an eye on build-dev mailing list.


On 7/11/2013 8:33 AM, Vladimir Kozlov wrote:
> Hi, Volker
> I finished the sync.
> Hotspot passed clean. JDK passed builds and testing on our platforms
> with few known failures (2 javac regression tests
> and
> Yes, I did not expect they will do such global cleanup so later in the
> game for jdk8:
> Syncing more frequent will not help with such big changes. I only hope
> it will not happen again in near future until we merge PPC64 code into
> main forest.
> As I said I did my best to resolve conflicts and, I think, the only
> problem left is AIX changes in makefiles/CompileNativeLibraries.gmk
> which you need to move to new makefiles/lib/*.gmk files.
> File a bug "PPC64: 8025715 changes broke AIX build after sync" and send
> me the fix. I will have to verify JDK build on our platforms with it.
> I am fine with resolving easy conflicts and leaving hard one to you :)
> Regards,
> Vladimir
> PS: even mailing system freak-out :)
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Your mail to 'ppc-aix-port-dev' with the subject
>      hg: ppc-aix-port/stage/jdk: 740 new changesets
> Is being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.
> The reason it is being held:
>      Message body is too big: 456885 bytes with a limit of 400 KB
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> On 11/6/13 8:35 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
>> Hi Vladimir,
>> thank you for starting syncing again!
>> Please see my comments inline:
>> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 3:15 AM, Vladimir Kozlov
>> <vladimir.kozlov at> wrote:
>>> I was not able to resolve all conflicts. AIX build is definitely broken.
>>> I have to manually resolve a lot of .m4 and .gmk files (mostly changed
>>> indention).
>>> I had problem with common/autoconf/platform.m4 when resolving
>>> conflicts at
>>> the end of file (below "Make compilation sanity check"). And for
>>> ADDED_*FLGAS settings I resolved it as in ppc64 repo:
>>> ppc64 repo:
>> Yes, this is the right way how it should be done now that we have
>>> jdk8 repo:
>>> Merging toolchain.m4 was even more painful.
>>> An other one was jdk/makefiles/CompileLaunchers.gmk
>>> But the main problem was jdk/makefiles/CompileNativeLibraries.gmk.
>>> Code from
>>> it was moved into jdk/makefiles/lib files:
>>> I was not able to do anything there. It definitely broke AIX build so
>>> you
>>> need to implement it again. Sorry.
>> Well, works as expected:(
>> I know no good way how we could solve these problems (apart from
>> integration shared changes more early into the main repositories of
>> course).
>> I could of course offer to do the merge such that all the AIX changes
>> would still be good. But how could I share a merge change with you?
>> Would you like to get only the files which I had to resolve manually?
>> Or better all the files which are changed by the merge? You could then
>> merge, copy my files over the sources and do the remaining resolving
>> in the closed directories.
>> What do you think, should we try it this way next time?
>>> I started JDK and Hotspot JPRT test runs. If they passed I will push
>>> what I
>>> have and then you need to fix it for AIX.
>> I'm ready to start...
>>> Regards,
>>> Vladimir

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