RFR(L) - 2nd round: 8024854: Basic changes and files to build the class library on AIX
Volker Simonis
volker.simonis at gmail.com
Fri Nov 22 02:45:25 PST 2013
We've synced our staging repository yesterday with the latest jdk8-b117 and
I noticed that change "8025985: com.sun.management.OSMBeanFactory should
not be public" moved the file src/solaris/native/com/sun/
management/UnixOperatingSystem_md.c to
src/solaris/native/sun/management/OperatingSystemImpl.c. Fortunately, my
changes to UnixOperatingSystem_md.c described in the webrev apply cleanly
to the new file (I've tested this locally).
I'll update the webrev accordingly once I've collected some more feedback.
Thank you and best regards,
On Wed, Nov 20, 2013 at 7:26 PM, Volker Simonis <volker.simonis at gmail.com>wrote:
> Hi,
> this is the second review round for "8024854: Basic changes and files to
> build the class library on AIX<https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8024854>".
> The previous reviews can be found at the end of this mail in the references
> section.
> I've tried to address all the comments and suggestions from the first
> round and to further streamline the patch (it perfectly builds on
> Linux/x86_64, Linux/PPC664, AIX, Solaris/SPARC and Windows/x86_64). The
> biggest change compared to the first review round is the new "aix/"
> subdirectory which I've now created under "jdk/src" and which contains
> AIX-only code.
> The webrev is against our http://hg.openjdk.java.net/ppc-aix-port/stagerepository which has been recently synchronised with the jdk8 master:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~simonis/webrevs/8024854.v2/
> Below (and in the webrev) you can find some comments which explain the
> changes to each file. In order to be able to push this big change, I need
> the approval of reviewers from the lib, net, svc, 2d, awt and sec groups.
> So please don't hesitate to jump at it - there are enough changes for
> everybody:)
> Thank you and best regards,
> Volker
> *References:*
> The following reviews have been posted so far (thanks Iris for collecting
> them :)
> - Alan Bateman (lib): Initial comments (16 Sep [2])
> - Chris Hegarty (lib/net): Initial comments (20 Sep [3])
> - Michael McMahon (net): Initial comments (20 Sept [4])
> - Steffan Larsen (svc): APPROVED (20 Sept [5])
> - Phil Race (2d): Initial comments (18 Sept [6]); Additional comments
> (15 Oct [7])
> - Sean Mullan (sec): Initial comments (26 Sept [8])
> [2]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001045.html
> [3]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001078.html
> [4]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001079.html
> [5]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001077.html
> [6]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001069.html
> [7]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/2d-dev/2013-October/003826.html
> [8]:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/ppc-aix-port-dev/2013-September/001081.html
> *Detailed change description:*
> The new "jdk/src/aix" subdirectory contains the following new and
> AIX-specific files for now:
> src/aix/classes/sun/awt/fontconfigs/aix.fontconfig.properties
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/ch/AixAsynchronousChannelProvider.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/ch/AixPollPort.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/fs/AixFileStore.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/fs/AixFileSystem.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/fs/AixFileSystemProvider.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/nio/fs/AixNativeDispatcher.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixAttachProvider.java
> src/aix/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.java
> src/aix/native/java/net/aix_close.c
> src/aix/native/sun/nio/ch/AixPollPort.c
> src/aix/native/sun/nio/fs/AixNativeDispatcher.c
> src/aix/native/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.c
> src/aix/porting/porting_aix.c
> src/aix/porting/porting_aix.h
> src/aix/porting/porting_aix.c
> src/aix/porting/porting_aix.h
> - Added these two files for AIX relevant utility code.
> - Currently these files only contain an implementation of dladdr which
> is not available on AIX.
> - In the first review round the existing dladdr users in the code
> either called the version from the HotSpot on AIX (
> src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_LoadLibrary.c) or had a private copy of
> the whole implementation (src/solaris/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_md.c).
> This is now not necessary any more.
> The new file layout required some small changes to the makefiles to make
> them aware of the new directory locations:
> makefiles/CompileDemos.gmk
> - Add an extra argument to SetupJVMTIDemo which can be used to pass
> additional source locations.
> - Currently this is only used on AIX for the AIX porting utilities
> which are required by hprof.
> makefiles/lib/Awt2dLibraries.gmk
> makefiles/lib/ServiceabilityLibraries.gmk
> - On AIX add the sources of the AIX porting utilities to the build.
> They are required by src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_LoadLibrary.c and
> src/solaris/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_md.c because dladdr is not
> available on AIX.
> makefiles/lib/NioLibraries.gmk
> - Make the AIX-build aware of the new NIO source locations under
> src/aix/native/sun/nio/.
> makefiles/lib/NetworkingLibraries.gmk
> - Make the AIX-build aware of the new aix_close.c source location
> under src/aix/native/java/net/.
> src/share/bin/jli_util.h
> - Define JLI_Lseek on AIX.
> src/share/lib/security/java.security-aix
> - Provide default java.security-aix for AIX based on the latest Linux
> version as suggested by Sean Mullan.
> src/share/native/common/check_code.c
> - On AIX malloc(0) and calloc(0, ...) return a NULL pointer, which is
> legal, but the code in check_code.c does not handles this properly. So
> we wrap the two methods on AIX and return a non-NULL pointer even if we
> allocate 0 bytes.
> src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_sys.c
> - malloc always returns 8-byte aligned pointers on AIX as well.
> src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h
> - Add AIX to the list of known platforms.
> src/share/native/sun/font/layout/KernTable.cpp
> - Rename the macro DEBUG to DEBUG_KERN_TABLE because DEBUG is too
> common and may be defined in other headers as well as on the command line
> and xlc bails out on macro redefinitions with a different value.
> src/share/native/sun/security/ec/impl/ecc_impl.h
> - Define required types and macros on AIX.
> src/solaris/back/exec_md.c
> - AIX behaves like Linux in this case so check for it in the Linux
> branch.
> src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.c,
> src/solaris/bin/java_md_solinux.h
> - Always use LD_LIBRARY_PATH macro instead of using the string "
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH" directly to cope with different library path names.
> - Add jre/lib/<arch>/jli to the standard library search path on AIX
> because the AIX linker doesn't support the -rpath option.
> - Replace #ifdef __linux__ by #ifndef __solaris__ because in this
> case, AIX behaves like Linux.
> - Removed the definition of JVM_DLL, JAVA_DLL and LD_LIBRARY_PATH from
> java_md_solinux.h because the macros are redefined in the
> corresponding .c files anyway.
> src/aix/classes/sun/awt/fontconfigs/aix.fontconfig.properties
> - Provide basic fontconfig.propertiesfor AIX.
> src/solaris/classes/java/lang/UNIXProcess.java.aix,
> src/aix/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixAttachProvider.java,
> src/aix/classes/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.java,
> src/aix/native/sun/tools/attach/AixVirtualMachine.c
> - Provide AIX specific Java versions, mostly based on the
> corresponding Linux versions.
> src/solaris/classes/sun/nio/ch/DefaultAsynchronousChannelProvider.java
> src/solaris/classes/sun/nio/fs/DefaultFileSystemProvider.java
> - Detect AIX operating system and return the corresponding channel and
> file system providers.
> src/solaris/classes/sun/nio/ch/Port.java
> - Add a callback function unregisterImpl(int fd) for implementations
> that need special handling when fd is removed and call it from unregister(int
> fd). By default the implementation of unregisterImpl(int fd) is empty
> except for the derived AixPollPort class on AIX.
> src/solaris/demo/jvmti/hprof/hprof_md.c
> - Add AIX support. AIX mostly behaves like Linux, with the one
> exception that it has no dladdr functionality.
> - Use the dladdr implementation from porting_aix.{c,h} on AIX.
> src/solaris/native/com/sun/management/UnixOperatingSystem_md.c
> - Adapt for AIX (i.e. use libperfstat on AIX to query OS memory).
> src/solaris/native/common/jdk_util_md.h
> - Add AIX definitions of the ISNANF and ISNAND macros.
> src/solaris/native/java/io/io_util_md.c
> - AIX behaves like Linux in this case so check for it in the Linux
> branch.
> src/solaris/native/java/lang/UNIXProcess_md.c
> - AIX behaves mostly like Solraris in this case so adjust the ifdefs
> accordingly.
> src/solaris/native/java/lang/childproc.c
> - AIX does not understand '/proc/self' - it requires the real process
> ID to query the proc file system for the current process.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c
> - Add AIX support into the Linux branch because AIX mostly behaves
> like AIX for IPv4.
> - AIX needs a special function to enumerate IPv6 interfaces and to
> query the MAC address.
> - Moved the declaration of siocgifconfRequest to the beginning a the
> function (as recommend by Michael McMahon) to remain C89 compatible.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c
> - On AIX (like on Solaris) setsockopt will set errno to EINVAL if the
> socket is closed. The default error message is then confusing.
> src/aix/native/java/net/aix_close.c,
> src/share/native/java/net/net_util.c
> - As recommended by Michael McMahon and Alan Bateman I've move an
> adapted version of linux_close.c to src/aix/native/java/net/aix_close.cbecause we also need the file and socket wrappers on AIX.
> - Compared to the Linux version, we've added the initialization of
> some previously uninitialized data structures.
> - Also, on AIX we don't have __attribute((constructor)) so we need to
> initialize manually (from JNI_OnLoad() in
> src/share/native/java/net/net_util.c.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.h
> - AIX needs the same workaround for I/O cancellation like Linux and
> MacOSX.
> src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c
> - On AIX we have to ignore failures due to ENOBUFS when setting the
> SO_SNDBUF/SO_RCVBUF socket options.
> src/solaris/native/java/util/TimeZone_md.c
> - Currently on AIX the only way to get the platform time zone is to
> read it from the TZ environment variable.
> src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_LoadLibrary.c
> - Use the dladdr from porting_aix.{c,h} on AIX.
> src/solaris/native/sun/awt/fontpath.c
> - Changed some macros from if !defined(__linux__) to if
> defined(__solaris__) because that's their real meaning.
> - Add AIX specific fontpath settings and library search paths for
> libfontconfig.so.
> src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11/X11SurfaceData.c
> - Rename the MIN and MAX macros to XSD_MIN and XSD_MAX to avoid name
> clashes (MIN and MAX are much too common and thexy are already defined
> in some AIX system headers).
> src/solaris/native/sun/java2d/x11/XRBackendNative.c
> - Handle AIX like Solaris.
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/Net.c
> - Add AIX-specific includes and constant definitions.
> - On AIX "socket extensions for multicast source filters" support
> depends on the OS version. Check for this and throw appropriate exceptions
> if it is requested but not supported. This is needed to pass
> JCK-api/java_nio/channels/DatagramChannel/DatagramChannel.html#Multicast
> src/solaris/native/sun/nio/fs/UnixNativeDispatcher.c
> - On AIX strerror() is not thread-safe so we have to use strerror_r()instead.
> - On AIX readdir_r() returns EBADF (i.e. '9') and sets 'result' to
> NULL for the directory stream end. Otherwise, 'errno' will contain the
> error code.
> - Handle some AIX corner cases for the results of the statvfs64() call.
> - On AIX getgrgid_r() returns ESRCH if group does not exist.
> src/solaris/native/sun/security/pkcs11/j2secmod_md.c
> - Use RTLD_LAZY instead of RTLD_NOLOAD on AIX.
> test/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/Basic.java
> test/java/lang/ProcessBuilder/DestroyTest.java
> - Port this test to AIX and make it more robust (i.e. recognize the
> "C" locale as isEnglish(), ignore VM-warnings in the output, make sure
> the "grandchild" processes created by the test don't run too long (60s vs.
> 6666s) because in the case of test problems these processes will pollute
> the process space, make sure the test fails with an error and doesn't hang
> indefinitley in the case of a problem).
> *Q (Michael McMahon):* Seems to be two macros _AIX and AIX. Is this
> intended?
> Well, _AIX is defined in some system headers while AIX is defined by the
> build system. This is already used inconsistently (i.e. __linux__ vs.
> LINUX) and in general I try to be consistent with the style of the file
> where I the changes are. That said, I changes most of the occurences of
> AIX to _AIX.
> *Q (Alan Bateman):* There are a few changes for OS/400 in the patch, are
> they supposed to be there?
> We currently don't support OS/400 (later renamed into i5/OS and currently
> called IBM i) in our OpenJDK port but we do support it in our internel, SAP
> JVM build. We stripped out all the extra OS/400 functionality from the port
> but in some places where there is common functionality needd by both, AIX
> and OS/400 the OS/400 support may still be visible in the OpenJDK port. I
> don't think this is a real problem and it helps us to keep our internel
> sources in sync with the OpenJDK port. That said, I think I've removed all
> the references to OS/400 now.
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