RFR(M): 8029101: PPC64 (part 211): ordering of Independent Reads of Independent Writes

Vitaly Davidovich vitalyd at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 05:46:23 PST 2013


I'm not sure I understand your reasoning in the example you gave.  If we
treat constructor like regular method, we have this sequence:
1) alloc memory
2) assign volatile field (constructor)
3) assign reference

So what in the spec says step 3 cannot move above step 2? If it did move,
then you could observe the default value of the volatile field (memory is
zerod).  Also, suppose the example class has many fields, but only one is
volatile - what then? Basically, A and A.f are two separate memory
locations (one is computed as offset from other) and I don't quite get why
the reordering above is not possible with constructors, which is just a
method anyway (unless it gets some special treatment).

If volatile gets same treatment as final, then may as well update
spec/Doug's cookbook to dispel the misconception.


Sent from my phone
On Nov 26, 2013 7:06 AM, "Aleksey Shipilev" <aleksey.shipilev at oracle.com>

> On 11/26/2013 05:12 AM, Vitaly Davidovich wrote:
> > Volatile fields written in constructor aren't guaranteed by JMM to occur
> > before the reference is assigned; this guarantee only applies to final
> > fields and StoreStore (in JMM parlance) before ref assignment should be
> > sufficient.  Of course making the implementation stronger is probably ok,
> > but just wanted to point that out as there seem to be changes aimed at
> > this, as you say.
> >
> > The reason volatile is excluded is because the ref assignment following
> the
> > volatile store is a plain one, and plain stores can move before volatile
> > stores (but not the other way, of course).  So only final fields get this
> > special treatment; if someone is unsafely publishing a ref and assumes
> the
> > volatile store in constructor is sufficient, they're mistaken :).
> That's a popular misconception. The rule of thumb, however, is: "you can
> replace finals with volatiles and have the same publishing guarantees".
> This particular PPC failure was discussed with Goetz and Doug somewhat a
> year ago, and the result of that discussion is sealed within the
> jcstress tests, e.g.:
> http://hg.openjdk.java.net/code-tools/jcstress/file/tip/tests-custom/src/main/java/org/openjdk/jcstress/tests/init/primitives/volatiles/LongVolatileTest.java
> The final fields indeed have the special treatment in spec. However, the
> volatile fields have effectively the same guarantees when initialized in
> constructor, because there is *no* valid execution that might expose the
> default value for the volatile field.
> Suppose you have the class:
>    class A {
>       volatile int f;
>       A() {
>          f = 42;
>       }
>    }
> ...and this test case (note it deliberately omits NPE cases to make
> reasoning simpler):
>          T1       |      T2
>    ---------------|----------------
>     a = new A();  |   r1 = a.f;
> The only allowed value for r1 is {42}. The sketch for the proof follows.
> There are only two possible juxtapositions on volatile ops in the trace:
> a) the one that reads (r1=0):
>    vread(a.f, 0)
>               \----so---> vstore(a.f, 42)
> b) the one that reads (r1=42):
>    vstore(a.f, 42)
>               \----so---> vread(a.f, 42)
> Now, we can extend that skeleton with the program order, as follows in
> T1 and T2, yielding two traces:
> a) one that reads (r1=0):
>  read(a)
>     \--po--> vread (a.f, 0)
>                   \---so---> vstore(a.f, 42)
>                                   \---po---> store (a)
> b) one that reads (r1=42):
>    vstore (a.f, 42)
>      \       \-----------so------------------> vread(a.f, 42)
>       \                        read(a) ----po----^
>        \----po--->store(a)
> Now, notice that trace (a) not well-formed, because we read(a) before
> store(a). The trace (b) is well-formed. Hence, the only valid execution
> yields r1=42. Q.E.D.
> -Aleksey.
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