Creating port-relevant JIRA-items in the OpenJDK bug database

Volker Simonis volker.simonis at
Tue Feb 11 10:25:17 PST 2014

Hi everybody,

until know we generally created all the port relevant JIRA-items in with a "PPC64:" prefix to make it easy for the
integrators to find and integrate our changes into jdk9/jd8u.

Now that our port has arrived in the main jdk9 repositories (and
hopefully in jdk8u soon) I'd like to propose to slightly change this
pattern. We should only use the "PPC64:" prefix in the future for
generic changes needed for both, Linux and AIX and the "AIX:" prefix
for AIX-specific changes. While the prefix is only a visible hint, we
should still classify any new item into the correct CPU and OS

I think these small conventions will simplify the task of tracking our
future work on the PPC64/AIX port.

Thanks and best regards,

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