Fatal Error on PPC64 and PPC64LE for both JDK7 and JDK8

Tiago Sturmer Daitx tdaitx at br.ibm.com
Mon Apr 20 22:06:13 UTC 2015

Volker and Goetz,

Could this be somehow related to the ParallelGC? Using UseSerialGC and
UseParNewGC prevents the SIGSEGV from happening.

Using -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC causes another SIGSEGV to happen *only* on
the distro JDK 8 - the distro JDK 7 works fine.

Meanwhile the custom JDK7u build fails even on a simple test:
$ java -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -version 
so I wasn't able test it.

The same SIGSEGV happened when running spark-perf with a similar
backtrace - setting +UseParNewGC also allows it to work.

I'm attaching a few hs_error files for the distros OpenJDK 7 & 8 and the
custom JDK7u build from PPC-AIX-Port repository.

Note that the distro's JDK 8 is still using the C++ Interpreter, so it
might the affect the results.


On Sat, 2015-04-18 at 15:22 -0300, Tiago Sturmer Daitx wrote:
> Meanwhile, please keep me posted if you figure out something about the
> bug. I'm still investigating it myself, but unless I am really lucky it
> will take some time to understand what is going on with that part of the
> hotspot - assuming I'm even looking into the right place. =)
> Regards,
> Tiago

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