Linux PPC64LE : missing -XX options ?

Andrew Hughes gnu.andrew at
Fri Apr 24 15:22:13 UTC 2015

----- Original Message -----
> Hi Tony,
> The ppc port does not support TieredCompilation.
> TieredCompilation requires a port of the C1 compiler.
> We did not yet port the C1 to ppc.  SAP is working on this and
> might contribute the port at some point.  But it is unlikely that it
> will make its way to jdk7.
> You would need to downport this change to jdk7:
> I'm not sure whether I should integrate this to the ppc repo, as it's a
> shared change unrelated to the ppc port.  Probably you should request
> that it is downported to 7u.  Then it will find it's way to the ppc port,
> too.

We intend to include this in the next IcedTea update, following Tony's bug
report [0]. We'll also push for it going into 7u too, when it's finally open
for business again.

Andrew :)

Free Java Software Engineer
Red Hat, Inc. (

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