[10] RFR(L): 8185979: PPC64: Implement SHA2 intrinsic

Gustavo Serra Scalet gustavo.scalet at eldorado.org.br
Fri Aug 25 12:57:22 UTC 2017

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the review!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doerr, Martin 
> - The file name of the new file should end with _ppc.cpp.

It contains already the _ppc, but not as a suffix: "macroAssembler_ppc_sha.cpp"
I followed the same idea behind other existing files like "macroAssembler_x86_log10.cpp", "macroAssembler_x86_pow.cpp", "macroAssembler_x86_tan.cpp"...

Do you want me to change it to "macroAssembler_sha_ppc.cpp" ?

> - "this->" should be removed from branch instructions: this->b

Right! Thanks for spotting it.

> - Why are you using Register references "const Register&"? That's not
> common.

For a moment I thought that "Register" was a structure so a reference would reduce initialization of that type, but analyzing now, it's a pointer. Therefore there is no reason to pass a reference to a pointer on my function.

I'm changing that. Thanks

> - It would be nice to have Big Endian support if it doesn't take much
> effort. (I can assist with testing.)

I don't see the reason for that because the vshasigmaw/vshasigmad are only available on POWER8 and beyond. Those systems are, AFAIK, little endian only, right?

Otherwise I will need to reconsider some steps. But please advise if that will be useful for some platform.

> Note: This change contains test changes, so a sponsor from Oracle is
> needed.

I didn't add tests. I only enabled them to ppc now which should be easy to review.

How do I ask for that kind of sponsor?


> Best regards,
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: hotspot-compiler-dev [mailto:hotspot-compiler-dev-
> bounces at openjdk.java.net] On Behalf Of Gustavo Serra Scalet
> Sent: Donnerstag, 17. August 2017 21:06
> To: 'hotspot-compiler-dev at openjdk.java.net' <hotspot-compiler-
> dev at openjdk.java.net>
> Cc: ppc-aix-port-dev at openjdk.java.net
> Subject: [10] RFR(L): 8185979: PPC64: Implement SHA2 intrinsic
> Hi,
> Could you please review this specific PPC64 change to hotspot? By
> implementing this intrinsic I noticed a significant improvement when
> using SHA-2 (e.g: Sample run reduced 6.5s run to 2.8s for SHA256.)
> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8185979
> Webrev: https://gut.github.io/openjdk/webrev/JDK-8185979/webrev/
> Best regards,
> Gustavo Serra Scalet

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