RFR: 8212794 IBM-964 and IBM-29626C are required for AIX default charset

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Wed Nov 28 09:01:44 UTC 2018

On 15/11/2018 00:29, Ichiroh Takiguchi wrote:
> Hello Martin.
> I know your point, but it's default encoding issue.
> User cannot start OpenJDK JDK9/10/11/12 on ja_JP(IBM29626C) and 
> zh_TW(IBM964)
> locale on AIX.
> But IBM964 cannot be used for default encoding in current setting.
> This fix is really required on OpenJDK for AIX.
No issue with adding more charset's to java.base in the AIX build but if 
I read the webrev correctly then it adds IBM29626C, IBM33722, and IBM964 
to non-AIX platforms. There is some interest in jettisoning all the IBM 
charsets (you've probably seen the length threads on that) so I'm a bit 
concerned that adding more will just make it a bit harder to remove them 
in the future. Maybe it is time to accelerate the make file changes that 
we were discussing with Nassar so that these new charsets aren't 
compiled and included on other platforms.


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