AIX Adoptium Builds on jdk-dev repos

Tyler Steele Tyler.Steele at
Thu Mar 10 16:26:57 UTC 2022

Hello AIX/ppc porters,

Recent changes to the build environment on jdk11 related to Harfbuzz (thanks to Matthias and Martin for keeping me in
the loop) prompted me to ask Adoptium to build jdk-dev branches on AIX. As a result, they are now building jdk11u-dev
(and potentially jdk8u-dev and jdk17u-dev in the future). If you would like to check the build status of jdk11u-dev you
can now do so here (

I have the impression that this will be more likely to stick around if it is used and appreciated by the community. So
feel free to comment on the PR if you think it is useful, or if you have any suggestions to improve it's fit for your
use-case ( ). 


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