Processing 2.1 fails to compile all of its projects using JDK8 EA b119 error: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved.

Balchandra Vaidya balchandra.vaidya at
Fri Dec 13 04:00:10 PST 2013

Hi Xerxes,

Thank you for your feedback. I have updated the bug with
your instruction to reproduce the issue below.


On 12/13/13 11:20 AM, Xerxes Rånby wrote:
> Processing 2.1 fails to compile all of its projects using JDK8 EA b119
> error: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved.
> This issue is a reproducer/reduced test case for:
> - compilation succeeds in java7 but fails in java8
> I do not have any account at that I can use to update this bug,
> feel free to attach the information below to the bug.
> steps to reproduce:
> #Download processing 2.1 from:
> tar zxvf processing-2.1-linux32.tgz
> cd processing-2.1
> #replace the bundled jdk inside processing with JDK8 EA b119
> mv java java-bundled
> mv jdk1.8.0 java
> #run
> ./processing
> Press
> Sketch->Run
> without entering any code fails with the following output:
> Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
> /tmp/sketch_131213a3040094527895471164temp/ error: The type java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
> 	import processing.core.*;
> 	^
> 1 problem (1 error)

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