JDK 9 early access b25 test results now available

Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin ireland rory.odonnell at oracle.com
Wed Aug 6 10:10:20 UTC 2014

JDK 9 ea b25 test results are now available at

The jdk test results contain 9 differences from the b24 test results.
No new testcase failures found.

    0: /home/jtest/merge9/b24/jdk/JTwork  pass: 4,811; fail: 6; not run: 1,341
    1: /home/jtest/merge9/b25/jdk/JTwork  pass: 4,816; fail: 6; not run: 1,341

    0      1      Test
    ---    pass   javax/security/auth/kerberos/KerberosNullsAndDestroyTest.java
    ---    pass   javax/xml/bind/xjc/8029837/PreParseGrammarTest.java
    ---    pass   sun/misc/JavaLangAccess/FormatUnsigned.java
    ---    pass   sun/security/jgss/spnego/NotPreferredMech.java
    pass   ---    sun/security/krb5/auto/KerberosHashEqualsTest.java
    ---    pass   sun/security/krb5/auto/NewInquireTypes.java
    ---    pass   sun/security/tools/jarsigner/default_options.sh
    ---    pass   sun/security/tools/jarsigner/weaksize.sh
    pass   ---    sun/security/tools/keytool/weaksize.sh

    9 differences

The hotspot test results contain 4 differences from the b24 test results.
No new testcase failures found.

    0: /home/jtest/merge9/b24/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 561; fail: 25; error: 1; not run: 27
    1: /home/jtest/merge9/b25/hotspot/JTwork  pass: 563; fail: 25; error: 1; not run: 27

    0      1      Test
    ---    pass   compiler/profiling/TestSpecTrapClassUnloading.java
    ---    pass   compiler/profiling/spectrapredefineclass_classloaders/Launcher.java
    pass   ---    compiler/uncommontrap/TestSpecTrapClassUnloading.java
    ---    pass   runtime/CommandLine/TraceExceptionsTest.java

    4 differences

The langtools test results contain 0 differences from the b24 test results.

The nashorn test result is available at

Rgds,Rory O'Donnell
Quality Engineering Manager
Oracle EMEA , Dublin, Ireland

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