Fwd: Re: Expanding our QA outreach effort

Rory O'Donnell Oracle, Dublin ireland rory.odonnell at oracle.com
Thu Aug 14 11:51:51 UTC 2014


If you have any suggestions for additions to Dalibor's list below please 
reply to Dalibor or I,
please don't reply on this list with other people's contact data, like 
e-mail addresses.

Reply on list with further projects to contact, if you have specific 
FOSS projects in mind that
you believe would be interested in participating.

Rgds, Rory

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Re: Expanding our QA outreach effort
Date: 	Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:00:32 +0200
From: 	dalibor topic <dalibor.topic at oracle.com>
Organization: 	Oracle Corporation
To: 	adoption-discuss at openjdk.java.net

I have begun to contacted some initial contacts involved in some of the
projects on the list already, and thanks to feedback from Mani &
Martijn, I looked over the Adopt OpenJDK wiki and CloudBees CI sites for
further inspiration. Accordingly, here's an updated list of FOSS
projects I'd like to get in touch with including entries from the above
two pages:

Apache Active MQ
Apache Camel
Apache Commons Bean Utils
Apache Commons DbUtils
Apache Commons Collections
Apache Commons Exec
Apache Commons Lang
Apache Commons Login
Apache Commons Math
Apache Jackrabbit
Apache Mina
Apache MyFaces
Apache POI
Apache Struts
Apache Wicket
Arquillian *
Bouncy Castle
Guava *
Hawkshaw *
Hornet Q
Mongo DB Java Driver *
Project Lombok *

I think that I have some initial contacts for the projects marked with a
* , but I could always use more - so if you know a *core developer* on a
FOSS project listed here, send me an e-mail *off-list* and I'd be happy
to get introduced, along with Rory and see if they are willing to

The same holds for any other major FOSS projects you know core
developers of - again, send me an e-mail off-list, and we'll coordinate
the next steps. In addition, feel free to suggest other FOSS projects to
get in touch with in this, or next round.

So - please, don't reply on list with other people's contact data, like
e-mail addresses - get in touch with me & Rory off list instead. Reply
on list with further projects to contact, if you have specific FOSS
projects in mind that you believe would be interested in participating.

As we add new projects, they'll appear in the wiki, and we'll announce
additions on the list, as well.

dalibor topic
<http://www.oracle.com> Dalibor Topic | Principal Product Manager
Phone: +494089091214 <tel:+494089091214> | Mobile: +491737185961

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Kühnehöfe 5 | 22761 Hamburg

ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG
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Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz

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Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher

<http://www.oracle.com/commitment> Oracle is committed to developing
practices and products that help protect the environment

Rory O'Donnell

Senior Quality Engineering Manager
Java Platform Group
Oracle EMEA , Block P5,
East Point Business Park, Dublin 3
Phone: +353 (0)1 8033887

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