From abdul.kolarkunnu at Tue Jul 4 10:08:58 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2017 03:08:58 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JDK 9 build 176 test results now available Message-ID: <36263437-f18b-4274-b265-ac482cb2e9fd@default> JDK 9 ea build 176 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 15 differences from the build 174 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/174/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,334; fail: 2; not run: 2,241 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/176/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,340; fail: 1; error: 1; not run: 2,242 0 1 Test fail --- com/sun/tools/attach/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/inheritance/ pass --- java/util/ServiceLoader/modules/ pass --- java/util/ServiceLoader/modules/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/nouses/ --- pass java/util/ServiceLoader/security/ --- pass jdk/modules/etc/ --- pass sun/security/pkcs12/ pass error sun/tools/jstatd/ --- pass tools/launcher/modules/illegalaccess/ pass --- tools/launcher/modules/permit/ 15 differences The hotspot test results contain 52 difference from the build 174 test results. There are 48 testcase failures, these failures are under investigation, JBS issue already exists for these failures. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/174/hotspot/JTwork pass: 1,457; not run: 59 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/176/hotspot/JTwork pass: 1,411; fail: 48; not run: 59 0 1 Test pass fail compiler/aot/ pass fail compiler/aot/ pass fail compiler/aot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ pass fail compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ pass fail compiler/aot/verification/ pass fail compiler/aot/verification/vmflags/ pass fail compiler/aot/verification/vmflags/ --- pass compiler/arraycopy/ --- pass compiler/c1/ pass fail compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ pass fail compiler/jvmci/ pass fail runtime/6981737/ pass --- runtime/modules/ --- pass serviceability/jvmti/IsModifiableModule/MyPackage/ 52 differences The langtools test results contain 2 differences from the build 176 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/174/langtools/JTwork pass: 3,605; not run: 323 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/176/langtools/JTwork pass: 3,605; not run: 323 0 1 Test pass --- tools/javac/modules/ --- pass tools/javac/processing/model/element/ 2 differences The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Thu Jul 6 11:10:02 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2017 04:10:02 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JDK 8u152 b05 test results now available Message-ID: <93f03642-5129-4e71-8ab9-b7cd65953869@default> JDK 8u152 ea b05 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 4 differences from the build b04 test results. There is 1 testcase failure, this failure is under investigation, JBS issue already exists for this failure. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/jdk/JTwork pass: 5,094; fail: 10; not run: 1,127 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b05/jdk/JTwork pass: 5,094; fail: 11; error: 1; not run: 1,128 0 1 Test pass fail com/sun/jdi/ --- pass java/lang/ClassLoader/ --- pass java/security/Signature/ pass error sun/tools/jstatd/ 4 differences The hotspot test results contain 2 differences from the build b04 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/hotspot/JTwork pass: 663; fail: 43; error: 4; not run: 21 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b05/hotspot/JTwork pass: 665; fail: 41; error: 4; not run: 21 0 1 Test fail pass compiler/dependencies/MonomorphicObjectCall/ fail pass runtime/Final/ 2 differences The langtools test results contain 1 difference from the build b04 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b04/langtools/JTwork pass: 3,112; fail: 2; not run: 7 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge8/jdk8u152-b05/langtools/jtreg/JTwork pass: 3,113; fail: 2; not run: 7 0 1 Test --- pass tools/javac/T8180660/ 1 differences The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Tue Jul 11 09:58:13 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2017 02:58:13 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JK 9 build 177test results now available Message-ID: <95073ac6-6b1c-4376-9948-d48445ce382f@default> JDK 9 ea build 177 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 1 difference from the build 176 test results. There is 1 testcase failure, JBS issue already exists for this failure: JDK-8141694 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/176/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,340; fail: 1; error: 1; not run: 2,242 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/177/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,341; error: 1; not run: 2,242 0 1 Test fail pass com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel/ 1 differences The hotspot test results contain 0 difference from the build 176 test results. The langtools test results contain 0 difference from the build 176 test results. The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Mon Jul 17 05:24:13 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2017 22:24:13 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JDK 9 build 178 test results now available Message-ID: JDK 9 ea build 178 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 1 difference from the build 177 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/177/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,341; error: 1; not run: 2,242 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/178/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,342; not run: 2,242 0 1 Test error pass sun/tools/jstatd/ 1 differences The hotspot test results contain 47 difference from the build 177 test results. No new testcase failures found. 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/177/hotspot/JTwork pass: 1,411; fail: 48; not run: 59 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/178/hotspot/JTwork pass: 1,458; fail: 1; not run: 59 0 1 Test fail pass compiler/aot/ fail pass compiler/aot/ fail pass compiler/aot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromAot/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromCompiled/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromInterpreted/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ fail pass compiler/aot/calls/fromNative/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/cli/jaotc/ fail pass compiler/aot/verification/ fail pass compiler/aot/verification/vmflags/ fail pass compiler/aot/verification/vmflags/ fail pass compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ fail pass compiler/jvmci/ 47 differences The langtools test results contain 0 difference from the build 177 test results. The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Mon Jul 17 14:15:48 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2017 07:15:48 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JDK 9 EA Build 178 & JDK 8u152 b05 are available on Message-ID: Hi All, JDK 9 Early Access? build 178? is available at : -? HYPERLINK "" A summary of all the changes in this build are listed HYPERLINK ""here.?? Changes which were introduced since the last availability email that may be of interest : b175 - Module system implementation refresh? (6/2017 update) b175 - no longer has "-ea" in the version string and the system property "java version" is now simply "9" java -version >java version "9" >Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 9+175) >Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 9+175, mixed mode) Bundle name changes:? e.g. jdk-9+175_linux-x86_bin.tar.gz JDK 8u152 Early Access? build 05 is available at : - HYPERLINK "" A summary of all the changes in this build are listed HYPERLINK ""here.?? -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Tue Jul 25 09:38:32 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2017 02:38:32 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JK 9 build 179 test results now available Message-ID: <0e4dea53-9947-44b1-aeab-ce9bf34a9321@default> JDK 9 ea build 179 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 2 differences from the build 178 test results. There is 1 testcase failure, JBS issue already exists for this failure: JDK-8141694 0: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/178/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,342; not run: 2,242 1: /export/home/gtee/muneer/jtest/merge9/179/jdk/JTwork pass: 6,342; fail: 1; not run: 2,245 0 1 Test pass fail com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpMultiChannel/ --- pass java/lang/invoke/ 2 differences The hotspot test results contain 0 difference from the build 178 test results. The langtools test results contain 0 difference from the build 178 test results. The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From abdul.kolarkunnu at Fri Jul 28 13:47:28 2017 From: abdul.kolarkunnu at (Muneer Kolarkunnu) Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2017 06:47:28 -0700 (PDT) Subject: JDK 9 build 180 test results now available Message-ID: JDK 9 ea build 180 test results are now available at The jdk test results contain 0 difference from the build 179 test results. The hotspot test results contain 0 difference from the build 179 test results. The langtools test results contain 0 difference from the build 179 test results. The nashorn test result is available at -- Regards, Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu Quality Engineer Oracle, Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: