JDK 9 EA Build 170 is available on jdk.java.net

Muneer Kolarkunnu abdul.kolarkunnu at oracle.com
Fri May 19 11:37:06 UTC 2017

Hi All, 

JDK 9 Early Access  build 170  is available at the new location : -  HYPERLINK "http://jdk.java.net/9/"jdk.java.net/9/  

A summary of all the changes in this build are listed HYPERLINK "http://download.java.net/java/jdk9/changes/jdk-9+170.html"here.   

Changes which were introduced since the last availability email that may be of interest :

b168 - JDK-8175814: Update default HttpClient protocol version and optional request version 

related to JEP 110  : HTTP/2 Client. 

b169 - JDK-8178380 : Module system implementation refresh (5/2017)

changes in command line options

b170 - JDK-8177153  : LambdaMetafactory has default constructor 

Incompatible change, release note:  JDK-8180035

New Proposal - Mark Reinhold has asked for comments on the jigsaw-dev mailing list [1] 

Proposal: Allow illegal reflective access by default in JDK 9 

In short, the existing "big kill switch" of the `--permit-illegal-access`
option [1] will become the default behavior of the JDK 9 run-time system,
though without as many warnings.  The current behavior of JDK 9, in which
illegal reflective-access operations from code on the class path are not
permitted, will become the default in a future release.  Nothing will
change at compile time.

[1]  http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jigsaw-dev/2017-May/012673.html



Abdul Muneer Kolarkunnu

Quality Engineer

Oracle, Bangalore, India
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